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    The Best Damn Workout Plan For Natural Lifters

    Here's what you need to know...

    1) The number one mistake by natural lifters is doing too much volume. You need to trigger protein synthesis and then stop training.

    2) Frequency is also super important. Hitting a muscle three times per week is the optimal frequency for natties.

    3) The key to growth is to have a big disparity between protein synthesis and protein breakdown. The more volume you use, the more you break down protein.

    4) The best split for the natural is the push/pull split. It's both physically and psychologically beneficial.

    Király, most megtudom a nagy titkot, a naturál testépítés szent grálját, hú de izgatott vagyok.


    1 – Heavy Double Rest/Pause

    Pick a weight you can do around 4-6 reps with.
    Do your 4-6 hard reps, rest 10-15 seconds, do another 2-3 reps, rest 10-15 seconds, and then try to get an additional 1-2 reps.
    Always use the same weight. You only do one set of this special technique/method.

    2 – Maximum mTor Activation

    Here the key is how you perform each rep. Accentuating the eccentric (negative) and loaded stretching are the contraction types that increase mTor activation the most. So with this method you'll do as follows:

    Lower the weight over a 5-second count while tensing/flexing the target muscle as hard as possible at all times.
    Hold the full stretch position for 2 seconds per rep.
    Do 6-8 reps like this, and on the last rep hold the stretch position for as long as you can tolerate. Again, you only do one set of this special technique/method.

    3 – 6-8-10 Drop Set

    Start the set with a weight you can lift for 6 reps.
    Drop the weight down immediately by 25-40% (depending on the exercise) and do 8 reps with that new weight.
    Drop another 25-40% and perform 10 more reps.
    Rest as little as possible between the parts of the drop set. Only perform one set of this special technique/method.

    Tehát naturál testépítő végezzen push/pull bontásban edzést erőltetett ismétlésekkel, rest/pause módszerrel, vetkőzősorozatokkal, lassú negatívokkal. Értem.

    Ja, és persze a szerző: [link] :U

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