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  • S_x96x_S


    válasz T.Peter #40258 üzenetére

    > A hardware decompression nem azert van hogy kevesebb
    > ram-ot hasznaljon a jatek hanem hogy terhet vegyen le a cpu-rol.

    én úgy értettem, hogy a PS5-nél a "hw-es kitömörítés és az m2"
    másodlagos következménye, hogy kevesebb VRAM-kell egyes játékokban.
    A hw-res Kraken támogatás - kb 9 Zen2-es CPU magot vált ki, és ez az 5.5Gb/s m.2 -vel
    8-22Gb/s outputot tud lehetővé tenni - adattól függően.
    és emiatt kevesebb adatot kell előre cachelni ..
    Vagyis a meglévő VRAM-ot jobban ki tudja használni.

    It's certainly possible for a level to use more than 16GB of assets, but not all on screen at once. The technical term here is working set: how much memory is really being actively used at once. What the SSD changes somewhat is the threshold for what can be considered active. With a fast SSD, the assets that need to be kept in DRAM aren't much more than what's currently on screen, and the game doesn't need to prefetch very far ahead. Textures for an object in the same room but currently off-screen may be safe to leave on disk until the camera starts moving in that direction, whereas a hard drive based system will probably need to keep assets for the entire room and adjacent rooms in RAM to avoid stuttering. This difference means an SSD-based console (especially with NVMe performance) can free up some VRAM and allow for some higher-resolution assets. It's not a huge change; it's not like the SSD increases effective VRAM size by tens of GBs, but it is very plausible that it allows games to use an extra few GB of RAM for on-screen content rather than prefetching off-screen assets. Mark Cerny has approximated it as saying the game now only needs to pre-fetch about a second ahead, rather than about 30 seconds ahead.
    """ ( via )

    de amúgy PC-n a cachelés elég érdekes tud lenni néha ...
    pl. a Microsoft Flight Simulátor nVidia 3090 - 24GB VRAM -os GPU-val csak akkor fut rendesen, hogyha 64GB RAM van a gépben és 32GB biztos nem elég ..
    "The 3090 ships with 24GB VRAM and if you fill it with buffer data or textures, you’ll certainly also duplicate a large amount of the VRAM buffers in RAM, and there you are: with 32GB RAM you probably really don’t have enough room to fit both the buffer data copy in RAM and the game working set!
    Conclusion: everyone with a 3090 might really benefit from 64GB and this might even be the minimum recommended amount of RAM to use with a 3090."
    ( via )

    persze ez nem annyira probléma, mert aki 3090 / 4090 -et vesz,
    az nem spórol a CPU RAM-al és általában megvan a 64GB RAM is mellé ..

    És mindig lesz szük keresztmetszet a rendszerben .. mert ha az egyiket megoldod .. a szük keresztmetszet tovább vándorol .. ;]

    Mottó: "A verseny jó!"

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