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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Kár, hogy VR-ban használhatatlanul ocsmány..
senior tag
720S várós nagyon, rF2-ben imádom.
[ Szerkesztve ]
senior tag
1 héten belül elvileg kijön a 2019-es content.
[Hamarosan érkezik az 1.1]
Lesz benne új tartalom is: 2019-es szezon autói és Zandvoort. -
csendes tag
Most szeretném megvásárolni Steamről az Assetto Corsa Competizione-t és az lenne a kérdésem, hogy valaki használja-e HORI Racing wheel apex kormánnyal, kompatibilisek-e egymással?
Köszi szépen a segítséget!
senior tag
Redditen is panaszkodnak arra hogy az SA "pöppet" érzékeny az utóbbi időben. [link]
Nekem 76-ról 62-re esett vissza és alig használtam az ACC-t
senior tag
Ezzel az SA rendszerrel kezdhetnének valamit, az 1.10 elég szarul számol. Mióta kijött csak csökken (70-röl 54-re ) és mindig úgy,hogy belém jönnek hátulról, oldalról, véletlen vagy direkt
Sok idióta gyökér, komolyan mondom életkorhoz kötném a használatát a szimnek
senior tag
281MB jött megint. Mi ez?
senior tag
1.0.9 Hotfix
Steamen tölthető.
- ForceFeedbackIntervalSteps now defaults to the highest frequency rate (0) when generated.
NOTE: if you already have the value in your controls.json, delete the line or the entire .json for the line to regenerate with the correct value or change the value manually to 0.
- Wheel controller is now polled at 333Hz.
- AI "take space" behaviour is now less aggressive, requests less distance from the car in front, reacts less abruptly and guarantees higher minimum speed.
- Fixed incorrect driver stint times in Championship Endurance races.
- Potential fix to startup crash due to failed screen detection. -
Na ez az első update amitől megmakkant a játék nálam, akadozik mint a ...
Csinálok egy friss telepítést, remélem az rendbe rakja. -
senior tag
Üdv. Kint van az 1,08 van benne egy ilyen rész /Exposed forceFeedbackIntervalSteps in the controls.json in documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Config to increase Force Feedback frequency (0= 333Hz 1=222Hz 2=111Hz, default is 2).
NOTE: high-end wheels will benefit from using a higher frequency, but older wheels should keep setting "2" for compatibility." / Nekem ilyen nincs. Miért nem találom? T300 high-endnek mondható? -
senior tag
Fb poszt, pálya képekkel:
[link]Bathurst várós.
Na ez már jóféle hir
Introducing The Intercontinental GT Pack, coming soon to Assetto Corsa Competizione!
A few years ago, SRO Motorsports Group introduced the Intercontinental GT Challenge, the first ever global GT3 Series, aimed to represent the highest achievement in long-distance GT racing. Its calendar includes some of the most iconic tracks in the world.
The Intercontinental GT Pack, to be fully dedicated to the Intercontinental GT Challenge, will feature new tracks such as Suzuka, Mount Panorama, Laguna Seca and Kyalami, with the South African circuit reproduced for the first time ever in a racing simulation using laserscan technology, just like all other tracks in the pack, in order to guarantee the ultimate accuracy.
More news about release date, features and media content will be available later this year. KUNOS also confirms that the team is working hard to release the 2019 GT Championship update, featuring 6 new cars and Zandvoort circuit, as a free update to the base game within Fall 2019.
The release date and pricing of the Intercontinental GT Pack DLC will be announced later on. -
19ati93 #1068 üzenetére
Volt egy interjú az egyik fejlesztővel, volt szó arrol is ,hogy lesz új ac de az még kérdés, hogy UE4 vagy valami más motorra váltanak, bár amennyi baj van az UE4-el nem lennék meglepődve ,hogy ha váltanának szóval vagy új ac bejelentés vagy 2019-es szezon megjelenési dátum szvsz
senior tag
Valami készül: [link]
Nem nagyon követtem mostanában a program fejlődését. Azt tudom, hogy megérkezett az új gumimodall. Jött azóta valami hír, hogy milyen frissítések fognak jönni?
Esetleg valami normálisabb, használható menü és optimalizálás?Most mentem 2 kört, megint tiszta darabos az egész, szóval én feladom. Volt már, hogy jó volt, nem tudom hogy mitől csinálja ezt állandóan. Bizonyos tekintetben még rondább, mint az előző rész, de legalább szarul is fut... -
senior tag
példa elérési út:
C:\Users\neved\Dokumentumok\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Setups\mercedes_amg_gt3\Spa
Magától csak a setups mappáig van meg ez, de ha elmentesz pl 1 random setupot a játékban tegyük fel a zolder pályán akkor megjelenik a mappája. Ki se kell lépni a játékból, csak alt tab és ott is van. De kézzel is úgymond gyárthatsz neki saját mappát.
senior tag
Üdv. Hogyan kell a setupot beilleszteni?
GTR Masters
csendes tag
Magyarország első Assetto Corsa Competizione bajnoksága!
Útjára indítjuk az első Assetto Corsa Competizione GT bajnokságot.
A kőkemény szimulátor a V1.0 ellenére még fejlesztés alatt áll. Jelenlegi állapotában még vannak hiányosságok, de a legfontosabbak a fizika, a vezetési élmény és a változó időjárás, már késznek tekinthetők és ezen a terén ismét kiemelkedő munkát végeztek Kunosék. Nem készült még olyan szimuláció, ahol nagyobb élmény lenne terelgetni ezeket a vasakat, a változó időjárás pedig felteszi a pontot az i-re. Aki szeretné kipróbálni magát valamelyik GT kormánya mögött, egy valódi bajnokságban, változó körülmények közt, valódi ellenfelekkel, annak most itt a lehetőség.A bajnokság célja hogy az ACC rajongókat összegyúrja egy színvonalas és kulturált mezőnybe. Akik ellen izgalmas és színvonalas futamokon küzdhettek meg a bajnoki pontokért és a csapat bajnoki címért.
Szeretettel várunk mindenkit.A bajnokság tervezett indulása 2019.09.22. Vasárnap.
A futamok 2 hetente vasárnap kerülnek megrendezésre.
A bajnokság során, bármikor lehet csatlakozni és nevezni a futamokra.Prekvalifikációs idők és nevezés: [link]
Ezzel a hírrel kívánunk mindenkinek jó felkészülést, és jó versenyzést a GTR-Masters nevében.
Részletek: [link] -
senior tag
SoldierL #1055 üzenetére
Amilyen cpu igényes az AI benne hát... 20 AI-val megfeküdne egy jelenlegi generációs konzol. Legyen az PS, vagy XBOX.
Nem tűnik amúgy olyan sikeresnek a játék hogy egyenlőre megérje neki konzolra elkészíteni.
Eredeti AC-vel más volt a helyzet. Most is napi szinten kb 3-4 ezren játsszák a legjobb órákban, míg az ACC-vel csak 500-700-an. (steamcharts szerint)
senior tag
Mit tudtok ki fog jönni valaha xbox one s-re?
senior tag
Controllerrel kb minden autós játék élvezhetően játszható, ez is. Billentyűzetről ez már nem mondható el. Vegyél egy 10k-s xbox controllert és az elég lesz sokáig, jó pár évig, ha vigyázol rá.
Egyébként ha minden igaz októberben jön majd a 2019-es content.
Új autók: Lambo,R8, NSX EVO, 2019 Vantage, Porsche 911 GT3 R -
aktív tag
Lehet persze irányítani billentyűzettel, de hasonló köridőkre ne számíts, akkor inkább vegyél egy 5-6 ezer forintos kontrollert, százszorta jobb lehet. Csatlakozom az előttem szólóhoz, kormány nélkül az online versenyzés kihúzva, hisz piszok sokat kell gyakorolni hogy ne legyél akadály a pályán. Egyébként ha kormányról visszafelé lépsz, akkor bill felejtős, nem tudom milyen szinten toltad, de mondom, ha nincs pénz kormányra inkább vegyél egy olcsó kontrollert, hisz a kormánynál a gáz padló, a fék padló és a kormányzás iszonyat darabos, nem beszélve arról, hogy kell plusz egy kéz, ha még váltani is akarsz...
Sajnos nemrég tönkrement a Ferrari Red Legend Edition kormányomon a felfogató rész, viszont nagyon érdekelne a játék.
Olyan kérdésem lenne, hogy mechanikus billentyűzettel mennyire működik az irányítás? Jelenleg nem tervezek új kormányt venni. Alapvetően is keveset játszom, érdemes megvenni az ACC-t billentyűzetes irányítással is, vagy egyáltalán nem támogatja/nem komfortos ez az opció? Köszi a segítséget. -
Forestgreen #1039 üzenetére
43.7-et mentem itt BMW-vel
aktív tag
1:48.1 a Hungaroringen, alap setuppal, úgyhogy van még mit faragni...
Forestgreen #1035 üzenetére
Pedig többek közt ezzel a játékkal is promózták, hogy milyen fasza lesz mert a fényezésen real time látszik a szerelőgárda ahogy elhagyja a kocsi a boxot
Amúgy hagyják is a fenébe, egy ilyen játékban teljesen felesleges...
Forestgreen #1035 üzenetére
Először még optimalizálgassanak szépen, főleg a vr rész!
aktív tag
Nem lesz RTX támogatás. Bár nekem RTX 2070-el RTX nélkül sem fut tökéletesen...
senior tag
Sziasztok! Valaki olvasott/hallott valamit, hogy mikor várható az Xbox one-s verzió?
1.0.7. Out Now!
- CPU optimization on the game thread resulting in less CPU usage with AI.
- Added all cars' locations to shared memory.
- Added electronics channels to shared memory, in particular TC, TC Cut, ABS, fuel cons, engine map, exhaust temps, lights and wipers stages.
- Added initial TrackIR plugin implementation.
NOTE: a specific profile is required to be set up, please follow our forums for more information:
- Texture memory optimization.GAMEPLAY:
- Mid-session saving is re-enabled.
NOTE: 1.0.7 adds a new version of saved games and will make any saved games from earlier releases obsolete.
The feature will require saving in the most recent game version to function currently.
- Added ability to save multiple games and load then individually.
NOTE: Championship and Career can still only have a single saved instance.
- Now save games correctly handle car damage.
- Fixed bug with brake ducts and brake temperatures in saved games.
- Fixed a bug with loading incorrect brake bias and other setup values in saved games.
NOTE: it will only work with new saved games.
- Fixed a bug where restarting the engine was not possible in certain cameras.
- Fixed a bug with championship status when starting a new championship with another season in progress.
- Fixed wrong blue flag when only one car remains on the track.
- Reworked driver stint logic in Endurance game modes.
- Added driving time limit per driver in Endurance game modes.
- Added driver stint requirements per different Endurance modes as per real-life regulations.
- Improved AI strategy in stint-based game modes.
- Fixed rare bug with engine failure when saving a game on gear change.
- Fixed 24H total driver stint time.AUDIO:
- Disabled possibility to trigger the Helicam audio during intro sequence.
- Stop&Go penalty engineer audio message.CONTROLLERS:
- Mouse steering overhaul.
- Steering linearity added to controller settings.
- Race commands will not longer be intercepted for UI commands other than the directional pad (up, down, left and right).
- Fixed clutch limit bug when using maximum deadzone.UI/HUD:
- Added Save Game window in the main menu to load saved games.
- Fixed chat window auto pop-in bug when receiving messages.
- Electronics and pitstop MFD page made more compact.
- HUD and car dash delta relinked to same source.
- Adjusted button alignment in the Replay menu.
- Fixed a bug where saving a setup with "/" in the file name would create a new folder.
- Fixed a bug where controller input was lost on the leaderboard page of the career and championship.
- Car previews now reliably load high-res textures in preview screens.
- Small car previews now reliably load on the Special Event pages.
- Added replay leaderboard and 'Toggle HUD' button in the replay HUD.
- Removed redundant "Driver" button on Player page.
- Updated UI background images and logos.
- Championship end-page logic review.
- Restyling of the championship and career pages.
- Added option to scale race HUD widgets.
NOTE: in this implementation it allows the player to resize the elements of the race HUD overall.
- Added "Continue" button for championship weather page.
- Added Save Replay and Save Highlights as configurable controls (the saving will have a 1-minute cooldown before allowing it again).
- Replay HUD now allows camera cycling during free camera.
- Disabled ideal line during replay.
- More reliable 'stop the engine' message during pitstops.
- Improved lapped information for realtime leaderboard when the cars are on the same lap.
- Improved filter for gap information in the realtime leaderboard.
- Added driver stint and remaining driving time information in the pit strategy page of the MFD.
- MFD now displays mandatory pit stop requirements in relevant game modes on the pit strategy page.
NOTE: it also displays whether the selected options meet the requirements and thus count towards a valid mandatory pit stop.
NOTE: maximum driving time is the key information to follow in endurance races.
- Added pit limiter popup display when entering the pit entry zone.
- Added helicam and onboard cameras to the broadcasting app.
- Added option to toggle Server Stats widget in HUD settings.
- Minor restyle of the Special Events pages.
- Fixed excessive memory footprint of loading screen images in certain scenarios.
- Minor restyle of the Tyre widget.
- Weather Forecast widget visibility tied to Tyre widget.GRAPHICS:
- LOD adjustments on various models.
- Wheel rim material adjustments for various cars.
- Update to Black Falcon team liveries.
- Potential fix for the random open-close car door animations during gameplay.
- Fix for brake lights of hidden cars visible when limited opponents visibility is used.
- Fixed missing front indicators on the Porsche 991 GT3 R.
- Fixed indicator bug on the Lamborghini Huracán ST.
- Minor model updates on the Audi R8 LMS.
- Fixed Porsche Cup not interacting with collidable objects.
- Fixed bug with driver visibility in the Porsche Cup.
- Some optimization on scene polycount by adding missing automatic LOD stages of wheel rims on certain cars.
- Fixed wrong visual representation of wet surfaces introduced in 1.0.6.PHYSICS:
- New 5 collision points tyre model. Tyres now "climb gradually" over kerbs, sausages, bumps both in lateral and longitudinal motion.
Completely eliminates the "rail kerb" effect. Greatly improved behaviour over all kind of kerbs, improved precision, improved bumps absorption.
- Tyre model improvements to better handle high load peak situations and high rolling resistance peaks.
- Tyre model now simulates lowering of profile while the tyre flexes. Ride heights will be lower during turns.
- Tweaks to tyre model rolling resistance model. (Fixed and speed-sensitive RR variations).
- New Traction Control operation. TC now simulates a two-step operation, acting on the engine ignition timing (lowering power) and if that is not enough, cutting ignition all together as before.
This permits the TC to have a smoother operation at the start of a slide, permitting the driver to use the slide to turn the car without extreme vibrations or engine cut.
- New Traction Control logic. TC now takes into account the yaw acceleration, simulating gyroscope sensors as the real cars.
As a result, even if the slide or slip of the tyres is not enough, a sudden yaw acceleration (a fast rotation of the car) will activate the TC to save the car from spinning. It also works intelligently so that it can check if the yaw rotation is under control by the driver, allowing him to use the power at will.
NOTE: please follow our forums to find more information about the tyre model update:
- Tweaks on the tyre pressure loss on rough surfaces (kerbs, off road etc).
- Car collider tweaks for various models.
- Tweaks for all circuits asphalt abrasivity and tyre wear influence.
- Tyre wear tweaks
- Fixed tyre core temps not properly saved and loaded.
- Fixed incorrect tyre wear when restarting race after loading a saved game.
- Tweaks to weather temperatures and sun phase.
- Tweaks to water dissipation rates.
- Variability is adjusted so medium values give more medium weather change rates.
- Fixed a setup bug with wet/dry setups on session changes.
- Fixed bugs related to setup naming.
- Fixed a bug with speed limiter status in neutral gear.MULTIPLAYER & RATINGS:
- Automatic engines will start when the Pit Menu closes, so all engines should be on at the start of a formation lap.
- Rejoining a server while disqualified is now detected in all situations, locking down the car in the pitlane (instead of doing so on the straight after the first lap).
- "Speed up to 50kph" message will not trigger when starting in the pitlane.
- Pit menu selections now are more adaptive, also removing the "Setup" button as spectator.
- Improved race weekend simulation to deliver more gradual grip differences for friday, saturday and sunday.
- Entering an empty server as spectator will now properly start with the pitlane camera.
- Slightly increased the ping limit for CP servers.
- Fixed long formation lap to not allow waiting in the first sector. Doing so will ignore the first lap.
- Added server health diagnostics, usable in the UI for further client updates and as admin command.
- Added UI element (next to the tyre app) indicating server health stats, and colorful warnings for overloaded servers. Can be enabled via HUD options.
- Replaced "result" json outputs by a new structure containing more information like track, session data, all laps and all penalties.
- Json outputs now are also written when the session is advanced via /next command, or when the last player leaves and the server resets.
- Fixed the "rain" and "ambient" conditions setting having little to no influence on the dynamic weather.
- Adjusted the weather randomness to be closer to the Singleplayer "Variation". Value range now can be used in a better way, where 1 - 5 should result in plausible weather.
- Activated the entryList setting "defaultGridPosition", allowing to resume a race any time (any Q session will overwrite the positions, but P->R would not).
- Added "dumpEntryList" flag, usable on non-public servers.
It will save all connected cars and drivers to a entrylist.json when a Q session is finished.
- Added admin command "/manual entrylist" to save an entrylist of the currently connected cars and drivers (on a non-public server).
- Fixed total race time having an offset in result jsons.
- Fixed playerIds not filled in the json results when defined by entry list.
- Fixed car category not being configurable in every scenario (using the entry list).
- Collisions during the race wait time won't affect the SA rating.
- Removed randomization from wrong tyre warnings.
- Server performance and timing improved (massively).
- Server logfile is now readable while the server is running.
- Updated server admin handbook version 3. -
senior tag
Érdekes CPU optimalizálás lett ebből a hosszan beígért dologból a sok AI ellen.
Tiszta körülmények között kevesebb FPS-t kapsz mint az előző 1.0.6 verizóban. Esőben meg kb ugyanaz vagy 1-2 fps +. Szóval nem hogy jobb hanem inkább rosszabb lett. -
Public Beta 1.0.7.:
- CPU optimization on the game thread resulting in less CPU usage with AI.
- Added all cars' locations to shared memory.
- Added electronics channels to shared memory, in particular TC, TC Cut, ABS, fuel cons, engine map, exhaust temps, lights and wipers stages.
- Added initial TrackIR plugin implementation.
NOTE: a specific profile is required to be set up, please follow our forums for more information.GAMEPLAY:
- Mid-session saving is re-enabled.
- Added ability to save multiple games and load then individually.
NOTE: Championship and Career can still only have a single saved instance.
- Now save games correctly handle car damage.
NOTE: it will only work with new saved games.
- Fixed a bug where restarting the engine was not possible in certain cameras.
- Fixed a bug with championship status when starting a new championship with another season in progress.
- Fixed wrong blue flag when only one car remains on the track.
- Reworked driver stint logic in Endurance game modes.
- Added driving time limit per driver in Endurance game modes.
- Added driver stint requirements per different Endurance modes as per real-life regualtions.
- Improved AI strategy in stint-based game modes.AUDIO:
- Disabled possibility to trigger the Helicam audio during intro sequence.
- Stop&Go penalty engineer audio message.CONTROLLERS:
- Mouse steering overhaul.
- Steering linearity added to controller settings.
- Race commands will not longer be intercepted for UI commands other than the directional pad (up, down, left and right).
- Fixed clutch limit bug when using maximum deadzone.UI/HUD:
- Added Save Game window in the main menu to load saved games.
- Fixed chat window auto pop-in bug when receiving messages.
- Electronics and pitstop MFD page made more compact.
- HUD and car dash delta relinked to same source.
- Adjusted button alignment in the Replay menu.
- Fixed a bug where saving a setup with "/" in the file name would create a new folder.
- Fixed a bug where controller input was lost on the leaderboard page of the career and championship.
- Car previews now reliably load high-res textures in preview screens.
- Small car previews now reliably load on the Special Event pages.
- Added replay leaderboard and 'Toggle HUD' button in the replay HUD.
- Removed redundant "Driver" button on Player page.
- Updated UI background images and logos.
- Championship end-page logic review.
- Restyling of the championship and career pages.
- Added option to scale race HUD widgets.
NOTE: in this implementation it allows the player to resize the elements of the race HUD overall.
- Added "Continue" button for championship weather page.
- Added Save Replay and Save Highlights as configurable controls (the saving will have a 1-minute cooldown before allowing it again).
- Replay HUD now allows camera cycling during free camera.
- Disabled ideal line during replay.
- More reliable 'stop the engine' message during pitstops.
- Improved lapped information for realtime leaderboard when the cars are on the same lap.
- Improved filter for gap information in the realtime leaderboard.
- Added driver stint and remaining driving time information in the pit strategy page of the MFD.
- MFD now displays mandatory pit stop requirements in relevant game modes on the pit strategy page.
NOTE: it also displays whether the selected options meet the requirements and thus count towards a valid mandatory pit stop.
NOTE: maximum driving time is the key information to follow in endurance races.
- Added pit limiter popup display when entering the pit entry zone.
- Added helicam and onboard cameras to the broadcasting app.GRAPHICS:
- LOD adjustments on various models.
- Wheel rim material adjustments for various cars.
- Update to Black Falcon team liveries.
- Potential fix for the random open-close car door animations during gameplay.
- Fix for brake lights of hidden cars visible when limited opponents visibility is used.PHYSICS:
- New 5 collision points tyre model. Tyres now "climb gradually" over kerbs, sausages, bumps both in lateral and longitudinal motion.
Completely eliminates the "rail kerb" effect. Greatly improved behaviour over all kind of kerbs, improved precision, improved bumps absorption.
- Tyre model improvements to better handle high load peak situations and high rolling resistance peaks.
- Tyre model now simulates lowering of profile while the tyre flexes. Ride heights will be lower during turns.
- Tweaks to tyre model rolling resistance model. (Fixed and speed sensitive RR variations).
- New Traction Control operation. TC now simulates a two step operation, acting on the engine ignition timing (lowering power) and if that is not enough, cutting ignition all together as before.
This permits the TC to have a smoother operation at the start of a slide, permitting the driver to use the slide to turn the car without extreme vibrations or engine cut.
- New Traction Control logic. TC now takes into account the yaw acceleration, simulating gyroscope sensors as the real cars.
As a result, even if the slide or slip of the tyres is not enough, a sudden yaw acceleration (a fast rotation of the car) will activate the TC to save the car from spinning. It also works intelligently so that it can check if the yaw rotation is under control by the driver, allow him to use the power at will.- Tweaks on the tyre pressure loss on rough surfaces (kerbs, off road etc).
- Car collider tweaks for various models.
- Fixed tyre core temps not properly saved and loaded.
- Fixed incorrect tyre wear when restarting race after loading a saved game.
- Tweaks to weather temperatures and sun phase.
- Tweaks to water dissipation rates.
- Fixed a setup bug with wet/dry setups on session changes.
- Fixed bugs related to setup naming.
- Fixed a bug with speed limiter status in neutral gear.MULTIPLAYER & RATINGS:
- Automatic engines will start when the Pit Menu closes, so all engines should be on at the start of a formation lap.
- Rejoining a server while disqualified is now detected in all situations, locking down the car in the pitlane (instead of doing so on the straight after the first lap).
- "Speed up to 50kph" message will not trigger when starting in the pitlane.
- Pit menu selections now are more adaptive, also removing the "Setup" button as spectator.
- Entering an empty server as spectator will now properly start with the pitlane camera.
- Slightly increased the ping limit for CP servers.
- Fixed long formation lap to not allow waiting in the first sector. Doing so will ignore the first lap.
- Added server health diagonistics, usable in the UI for further client updates and as admin command.
- Added UI element (next to the tyre app) indicating server health stats, and colorful warnings for overloaded servers.
- Replaced "result" json outputs by a new structure containing more information like track, session data, all laps and all penalties.
- Json outputs now are also written when the session is advanced via /next command, or when the last player leaves and the server resets.
- Fixed the "rain" and "ambient" conditions setting having little to no influence on the dynamic weather.
- Reduced the rate of weather changes for high randomness settings.
- Activated the entryList setting "defaultGridPosition", allowing to resume a race any time (any Q session will overwrite the positions, but P->R would not).
- Added "dumpEntryList" flag, usable on non-public servers.
It will save all connected cars and drivers to a entrylist.json when a Q session is finished.
- Added admin command "/manual entrylist" to save an entrylist of the currently connected cars and drivers (on a non-public server).
- Fixed total race time having an offset in result jsons.
- Fixed playerIds not filled in the json results when defined by entry list.
- Fixed car category not being configurable in every scenario (using the entry list).
- Collisions during the race wait time won't affect the SA rating.
- Removed randomization from "wrong tyre" warnings. -
Érdekes, hogy az ACC legújabb frissítése a 6-os, rendberakta nálam a játékot, az előző kettővel gyakorlatilag nem ment, nem töltött be az autók textúráit és hosszú pillanatokra befagyott a kép. A VR meg szörnyen ment a kezdetektől. Na most még a VR is egész jó használható lett. Nem is értem...
aktív tag
Grafikai beállítások tekintetében kinek milyen megoldása van?
Nemrég cseréltem platformot (és kapott egy szolid tuningot is) és elkeserítően akad Oculusban (pedig ez a nagyon kis felbontású és alacsony frissítésű DK2 csak). Szétnéztem a beállítások között és egy rakás 'Epic'-et találtam; na, azokat nagyon gyorsan visszatettem 'High'-ra, de nem tudom, mit volna a legérdemesebb állítani... -
aktív tag
Okes sracok koszonom a segitseget alapon hagyom! ✌
senior tag
Üdv. Van egy clubsport v1 pedálom és az istennek se tudom belőni a féket ACC ben. Vagy sikít a gumi vagy nem áll meg. Hogyan kéne beállítanom ? HELP
senior tag
Teljesen jól működik nekem is. Monitor vagy vr, mindkét megjelenítőn szépen fut. Friss az nvidia driver