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  • Parci


    válasz Parci #62342 üzenetére

    ez jó gyorsan elsikkadt, felhozom újra, érdemes meghallgatni, elég jól kontextusba teszi, hogy mit jelent ez a betegség és hogyan érdemes hozzáállni, amikor betegek vagyunk!

    szívem szerint kitenném a linket az összefoglalóba is.

    ez is ide kapcsolódik, és eléggé úb+ :(:

    "The first new study investigated 100 recovered COVID-19 patients (median age of 49 years old), an average of 71 days after initial diagnosis. Using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) the study detected cardiovascular abnormalities in 78 percent of the recovered patients. Signs of myocardial inflammation were detected in 60 percent of the subjects. These abnormal results were compared to a healthy age-matched control group, and independent of any cardiovascular disease diagnosed before the patients presented with COVID-19.

    Most notably, only 33 percent of the cohort studied required hospitalization during the course of their COVID-19 infection. This suggests a degree of cardiovascular damage seems to result from the disease regardless of the severity of the acute illness or the presence of any pre-existing conditions."

    Study detects heart damage in majority of recovered COVID-19 patients (newatlas.com)

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    dicranum scoparium + genista pilosa = :)

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