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Téma összefoglaló
(Utoljára frissítve: 2024.04.20)
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
csomi1977 #93660 üzenetére
Távolról nem lehetséges. Ha egy hálón vagy a NAS-sal, akkor klikk a DSM-ben a Tailscale ikonra, majd ott login. Utána a Tailscale admin oldalán (https://login.tailscale.com/admin/machines) a NAS-nál klikk a 3 pöttyre --> Disable key expiry
szerk.: Közben találtam egy ilyesmit, szóval lehetséges, hogy mégis megoldható:
To regain access to an expired device:
Open the Machines page of the admin console.Find the row corresponding to the device you are interested in.Select the ... menu at the far right and select the Temporarily extend key option. This option only appears for devices with expired keys:The key will be extended for 30 minutes. Instruct the owner of the machine to log in and reauthenticate within the extended timeframe, or disable key expiry for this device within that window.Once the machine has been reauthenticated, the key should be renewed for your standard expiry time (6 months by default).
If you're renewing keys for a machine that belongs to you, and it has already signed a new authentication URL, we provide a one-select Reauthenticate option in place of Temporarily extend key. However, extending the key is the far more common way to regain access.[ Szerkesztve ]
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