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LógaGéza #22081 üzenetére
a fordítás részről ezt írja a readme:
// Compiling //
///////////////Source dependencies:
(http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/)OpenAL on linux platform
(http://www.openal.org/)FMOD on windows platform
(i386-mingw32msvc is the only tested build)To build trigger open a terminal and, in the top level of
the trigger source directory, do:./configure
jamThanks to Matze Braun for this excellent build system.
To run trigger without installing, copy the trigger
executable to the data sub-directory and run it from
there. That is:cp ./trigger data
./data/triggerIf you are hacking on trigger and rebuilding often, you may
find it convenient to specify the --datadir option to
configure, then you will not need to copy the executable
after each build. The --datadir option expects a full path../configure --datadir=/home/$USER/projects/trigger-rally/data
./triggerAdjust the path to suit your system. Every time the options
to configure are changed run:jam clean
before running 'jam' again. This ensures that trigger uses
the new configure settings.Azt hittem ez nekem nem kell. Kipróbáltam akkor a
parancsokat, de eredmény ugyanaz.[ Szerkesztve ]
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