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  • Teasüti


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    Az elküldeni kívánt szöveg:

    openFX-es lens correction
    :Y Fx az TL felbontáson lesz számolva.

    Using High Resolution Media in Lower Resolution Projects
    Every set of transform and sizing parameters and settings that resize clips is combined intelligently, so that the full resolution of a clip’s source media is always used as the source for any transform. For example, if you’re using 8K media within a 1920x1080 project, and you need to enlarge a clip using the Input Sizing palette’s Zoom parameter to 200%, the image is scaled relative to the native 8K resolution of the source, and the result is fit into the current timeline resolution. This automatically guarantees the highest quality for any image transform you make so long as you don’t zoom in past the native resolution of any given clip.
    This also applies to situations where, for example, you shrink a clip in the Edit page using the Edit Sizing controls, only to re-enlarge the same clip in the Color page, using the Input Sizing controls. In this situation, DaVinci Resolve is smart enough to do the math combining the project resolution, the Edit Sizing, and the Input Sizing controls so that a single transform is applied to the native source resolution of that clip, giving you the best quality result.

    Itt szó sem volt semmilyen Fx-ről. Fx az Fx, nem transzformáció.
    Írtam feljebb, hogy kapcsold ki a grade-et (vagy csinálj egy flat pass-t) és úgy próbáld! Mert ha vmi lerontja a képet, az a két skálázás között lesz.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák