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    válasz Soticop #15064 üzenetére

    Wrs mar nincs, de ez nem azt jelenti, hogy allampolgarsag-igenylesnel ne kerhetnek. Ugyanis a wrs kb ket eve szunt meg, de ha allapolgarsagert folyamodsz, akkor 2011 elott mar itt voltal , ergo kell, hogy legyen valoszinuleg.
    Amugy 5 ev itttartozkodas utan a permident residencyt lehet kerni. Azutan 1 ev mulva az allampolgarsagot. Tehat engine88 4 ev mulva kaphat allampolgarsagot.

    "If you are a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, or you are the family member of such a person, you will automatically have permanent residence status if you have exercised EEA free-movement rights in the UK for a continuous five-year period ending on or after 30 April 2006. You do not need to apply for leave to remain. You should have held permanent residence status for 12 months before you apply for naturalisation."

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