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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Security researchers have found a vulnerability in Google Chrome that allows passwords to be read from RAM in plain text. In the meantime, it is considered certain that in addition to Google's browser, Microsoft Edge and Firefox are also affected and store very sensitive data unencrypted in RAM.
The security experts around Zeev Ben Porat have informed Google about the vulnerability, but in response received the information that the Chrome team will not close it. The developers also provided a detailed justification. The passwords can still be read from the RAM with the help of the current Process Hacker.
Both CyberArk Labs and Günter Born see Google's answer as too short-sighted, because they believe that passwords should not be found in plain text in browser memory.
14 weeks after Google responded to the report of the vulnerability with "Won't Fix!", CyberArk Labs has made the vulnerability public.
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