
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • k-adi


    Számomra nagy meglepetésre, jön újabb évad és nem kivéreztetik vagy forhonor 2 lesz.
    Ugyan előreláthatóan gyengébb lesz ez az évad, mint az eddigi 3, de meglátjuk mit kapunk.

    Ami biztos:
    4 szezon lesz megint
    year-pass helyett battle-pass (free, premium) -- januárban több infó jön erről
    2 új hős (érkezésük: Year 4, Season 2 és season 4)
    új skinek, páncélok a hősöknek

    új pályák
    és új, vagy átgondolt játékmódok is jönnek

    Year 4: The Year Of Reckoning

    Year 4 is about learning and building upon what we have experienced together in these past 3 years.
    The Year of Reckoning is a turning point in For Honor’s history. The great war that has been raging over the past years takes an unexpected turn. The earth has quietened down, but new leaders arise and warriors across all factions need to decide what they are really fighting for.

    Four Unique Seasons and Two New Heroes Joining the Fight
    Two new faces will arise during the Year of Reckoning. One Hero will be released during Year 4, Season 2, and the other during Year 4, Season 4. Their arrival will coincide with the storyline, as well as the events of the Year and its seasons. We can’t wait to find out which side you choose!
    You will be able to purchase them upon release or unlock the new Heroes with steel as usual.

    Battle Pass in, Year Pass out
    Starting with Year 4, Season 1, we will be introducing a new reward system with the For Honor Battle Pass.
    In the past, rewards relied solely upon random drops after matches and scavenger crates, which gave little visibility on the items you were able to unlock.
    Now you will have clear objectives throughout the 100 tiers within the Battle Pass where you will be able to unlock items through gameplay. The battle pass will be limited to character customization items and consumables meaning that you do not need to purchase it to have access to the two new heroes coming during the year.

    Fight - Core Experience
    With 26 heroes in the current roster and two new faces joining the fight in Year 4, balancing remains a top priority for us. This includes hero balancing, of course, but also game mode balancing.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák