
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Teréz Atya

    senior tag

    válasz Pikachu24 #3692 üzenetére

    Ez most komoly? Ez a kopter tobb sebbol verzik mint egy vesenlott menstrualo oz ami farkasok elol menekul.
    Idezetek innen:
    "Do not use the ground station software. Some users (especially V1.3 users/external antennas) had their FY-X6 bricked after trying to use it. We don't know if it's related to the FY-X6 or their operating system. So don't use it until full investigation's results"
    "Emergency landing for low main battery voltage is not implemented for attitude (manual) mode, only for altitude and GPS modes"
    "if you pressed accentidatly the TX bind button or want to use the same radio with your X8, you can loose the bind....You just need to bridge the GND pins (black) with the signal pin (yellow) of the top row channel to enter in binding mode.....I strongly advice to install a mini-switch to avoid each time to remove the upper shell part."

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