Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • DrGonzo22


    válasz DrGonzo22 #5909 üzenetére

    Nem tudom, hogy az itt (#5909) linkelt egeres programot használja-e valaki, de nekem az egyes egér billentyűk beállítása (enabled kipipálva), majd restart btnx után: 'Failed to execute command: "/etc/init.d/btnx restart". Make sure btnx is installed correctly.' üzenetet ad. A program weblápjának a manual-jében ([link] ) '12.1.5. I've configured my mouse. Nothing is happening.
    1. Make sure you have checked the Enabled check-box in btnx-config for every button that you want btnx to handle.
    2. Make sure you have restarted btnx after making any changes to the configuration file. Either press the Restart btnx in btnx-config or run the following command in your terminal:
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/btnx restart
    3. It could be a problem with the btnx executable. First, stop btnx from command line and run it from the command line to see its output. Look for any errors.
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/btnx stop
    $ sudo btnx' leírtakat követve látszólag semmi hiba nem lép fel:
    'zsombor@zsombor-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/btnx restart
    [sudo] password for zsombor:
    Restarting btnx : Button Extension - mouse button rerouter daemon
    btnx: Failed to kill previous btnx processes
    btnx successfully stopped
    btnx: uinput modprobed successfully.
    btnx: Opening config file: /etc/btnx/btnx_config_New config
    btnx: revoco not started. Disabled in configuration.
    btnx: No startup errors.
    btnx: Parent done.
    btnx successfully started
    zsombor@zsombor-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/btnx stop
    Stopping btnx : Button Extension - mouse button rerouter daemon
    btnx successfully stopped
    zsombor@zsombor-desktop:~$ sudo btnx
    btnx: uinput modprobed successfully.
    btnx: Opening config file: /etc/btnx/btnx_config_New config
    btnx: revoco not started. Disabled in configuration.
    btnx: No startup errors.'

    A gombok viszont sajnos nem működnek, valakinek van rá ötlete, miért nem?

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák