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Bocsi lusta vagyok,rendezni.Do you Believe in a No Win Scenario?Battle the Kobayashi Maru and the Arena of Sompek during this special event, unlock the Merchantman Freighter, and earn progress for the new Event Campaign!
By Fero January 20, 2025, 08:00 AM
From across the quadrants, Captains of all species and creeds understand the value of occasionally pushing themselves to the limits – to find out just how far their equipment, and their willpower, can take them, and just how much fight they can muster when the situation is at its direst. Screw your courage to its sticking place, and dive headlong into these classic tests of mettle – dare to face the No Win Scenarios.
This Event will include multiple TFOs previously featured individually in a combined Featured Event that will allow players to choose their preferred test each day, while earning Daily Progress toward a new grand prize reward. Defend the Kobayashi Maru in a starship-based simulation in a hazard-strewn space environment or take on wave after wave of randomized enemy encounters within the dangerous confines of the Arena of Sompek.
Participating in this Event will be your first chance to earn progress in our 2025 Event Campaign and it will give all players the opportunity to earn the new Merchantman Freighter [T4] for their entire account! Keep reading for details on this ship, how you can participate in the Event, and what additional prizes may be earned.
Take the Tests Again
Two existing activities will be participating in this Event:
Arena of Sompek – Ground TFO
In the interest of strengthening the Alliance against its enemies, and providing entertainment, the Klingons have agreed to allow other members to participate in the legendary qaD HoS event. You’ve been invited to Qo’noS to participate as representatives of the Alliance. It will be good practice for the battles ahead and should be good for morale.
The Event version of the simulation ends after you complete Round 7.
Kobayashi Maru – Space TFO
The legendary Kobayashi Maru simulation has been updated to represent more of the risks of the modern galactic environment. Defend the ill-fated E.C.S. Kobayashi Maru from attackers amidst increasingly dangerous waves of enemies, while avoiding randomized obstacles and hazards.
The Event version of the simulation ends after you complete Round 6.
While most of the action players will engage in during these TFOs have not changed for this event, a few minor adjustments have been made to each that will be present for the length of this Event’s run:
As noted above, each has a fixed duration during this Event. Prior to the designated ending point, neither can be failed.During this Event, the Untimed/Infinite versions of these TFOs will be temporarily disabled.Each completion will reward a Choice of All Marks (replacing the usual Mark rewards)Both TFOs have had their Cooldown Timers temporarily disabled
Review Your Results
Viewing the details of this Event in-game is as simple as opening your Journal and navigating to the “Events” tab. From here, all of the pertinent information is at your fingertips, as are simple-to-use buttons that allow quick access to the associated Content for this Event.
As a core feature of the updated Event System, all Progress Points gained toward completion of the Event are shared across your entire Account, and all earned Progress is automatically tracked and applied toward completing the Event.
Players will be able to earn their Daily Progress once every 20 hours. Either of the above TFOs may be played as much as you like each day, so pick and choose how you prefer to gain Progress each day and mix it up as much (or as little) as you like!
Event Campaign VII
The No Win Scenarios Event will be the first Event that will participate in the latest installment of our multi-event system known as an Event Campaign. You'll need to participate in six events in total in order to earn the Grand Prize: A Tier 6 Infinity Promotional Ship of your choice, Two Free T6 Zen Store Coupons, AND 1500 Lobi!
No Win Scenarios – Event Rewards
Accruing a total of 14 Days’ worth of Daily Progress will allow you to claim the Grand Prize of this Event. This reward includes all of the following:
Merchantman Freighter [T4]Once earned, every character on your account will be able to claim this ship. Complete details are included later in this blog.3x Featured TFO Reward Boxes (Single Character Reward)Each gives a choice of 1x Specialization Point or an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade25,000 Dilithium Ore (Single Character Reward)Issued immediately for use as you see fit!
(Note: The Featured TFO Boxes and Dilithium Ore are only rewarded once, to the first character on your account that claims the Grand Prize.)
Reward Details: Merchantman Freighter [T4]
Freighters and Transports are large vessels designed for trade and long-range cargo hauling. Almost all space-faring races utilize Freighters and have for as long as space travel has been viable. The "Merchantman" line of Freighters represents independence and freedom from the primary powers of the galaxy, and is typically flown by those who value their own merchant empires above any faction, territory, colony, or empire they may have once called home.
The Merchantman Freighter interior has a number of amenities including a Trade Duty Officer Assignment contact, which is not standard on most starships. Both you and your allies can access the Trader.
Also assigned to the Freighter interior is a Quartermaster. The Quartermaster can sell you and your allies commodities at a discounted rate. A similar discount applies when you make any Energy Credit Purchase while onboard your ship (for instance, from Sector Space Freighter Stores). The interior also includes access to the Bank, Exchange and Mail, all of which are accessible to you and your allies.
The Merchantman Freighter has access to a secure subspace channel to call in a Security Transport ship. The Security Transport will allow you to access Prisoner Transfer and Contraband Assignments. The Security Transport is not a combat support vessel, and can only be called when in Sector Space. It is accessible to you and your allies.
Finally, the Merchantman Freighter comes with a Transwarp Drive that will allow you to access the furthest corners of the quadrant. The Transwarp Drive will allow you to instantly access most Exploration Clusters. Note, like many older Transwarp drives, the Freighters Transwarp has a small chance to fail.
Merchantman Freighters are not designed as combat vessels. They come with minimal armaments designed only to ward off pirates and other would-be threats.
Note: You can switch to your Freighter from any ship interior. Once you're done using it, switch back to any ship from the Freighter interior.
Ship details:Faction: AnyRequired Rank: Complete the TutorialHull Modifier: 1.1Shield Modifier: 0.9Fore Weapons: 3Aft Weapons: 2Device Slots: 3Bridge Officer Stations:1 Lieutenant Universal1 Lieutenant Commander Universal1 Ensign UniversalConsole Modifications: 2 Tactical Console, 2 Science Consoles, 2 Engineering ConsolesBase Turn Rate: 15Impulse Modifier: 0.16Inertia: 40+5 to All Subsystem Power
Bonus Rewards
After claiming the Grand Prize, you will unlock the option of earning additional Dilithium Ore each day that you continue participating in the content associated with this Event. Each day you earn the Daily Progress you will be automatically granted a bundle of Dilithium Ore.
This bonus reward will begin at 8,000 Dilithium Ore for the first day’s completion, then scales up with each subsequent bonus completion that you achieve. The more you play, the more you continue to earn!
Zen Buyout Option
For players interested in instantly completing this Event – whether that is due to worries over finding the play time to complete it or simply wanting to move immediately into earning Bonus Rewards – we will be offering a method for buying out.
Within the Event UI, an option will be presented that allows you to purchase the remaining progress that you need, for a scaling amount of Zen. The base price for this service will be 2,000 Zen, but every single Daily Progress that you earn will reduce that price on a percentage basis. Thus, if you have already earned 7 Daily Progress (half of the 14 required), this price will be reduced for you down to 1,000 Zen. The more you play, the cheaper the Buyout Option becomes, dynamically!
A Second Chance
Once this Event has ended, your opportunity to earn Progress Points will have passed. However, the Event System will store the progress that you made long after the Event has expired. Based on this stored progress, the option to Buyout the rewards will remain available through a new “Second Chance” section of the Zen Store. The price for this buyout is the same as what is offered while the Event is active, and scales in the same manner based on your amount of Progress Points accrued.
The No Win Scenarios Event will become available for players on PC starting on January 21st at 8am PT and running until February 11th at 12pm PT. We’re aiming to have this event available for Captains on Xbox and PlayStation on February 18th.Imádom a Kobayashi maru TFO-t,remélem az eventes gyenge változat mellett elérhető lesz az igazi is.
Randommal túlélni a 10 menetet igazán jó kihívás.[ Szerkesztve ]
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