IT café
Star Trek Online -=MMORPG=-
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Ennyi EC-t ti hogy tudtok tárolni a karakternél?
Nálam 15000000 a limit! -
Efanatica #22790 üzenetére
Szerintem először is csináld meg a recruitokat,azok adnak sokezer markot minden karidnak.
Ne egyszerre csináld őket,hanem az egyiket kiválasztod és végigviszed.
Hidd el hogy durván megéri.
Mindent feldobnak a recruit jutalmak.
Legkönnyebb talán a lekvár recruit kari.
Nagy szinten kezdesz repuval és full gearrel.
Nekem négy vanguard recruit karim van,lusta voltam arra is hogy át skillezzem.
Kivéve azt amelyiknek egy bug miatt a játék ingyen nyomott retrain-t.
Azzal a gearrel amit kap simán teljesíthető a recruit.
Ha van zenes vanguard hajód akkor még egyszerűbb.
A klingon kari sem nehéz.
A sok TFO ami kell klingon és lekvár recruit karinak simán tolható normal fokozaton,normal fokozaton meg egy szál ágyékötőben meg bunkósbottal is boldogul.
Azt sem veszik észre csapattársak ha a fákon himbálódzik és tarzan-t játszik.
Delta recruit sem vészes.
Temporal tökölősebb mert keresni kell temporal probe-okat.
Ha recruitokkal kész vagy máris előrébb vagy,egy tonna dilithiumot kapsz.
Eszement sok flottás markot repus dilit és egyéb gezemicét. -
nos én azt csinátam mindíg hogy random markot szedek ki amit repiba átválltok dilre és abból fejlesztettem a karaktereimet. Azért is mert nem tudtam egyikkel se betenni a projectekbe cuccokat. főleg tiszteket nem abból is alig van pár lila max. illetve főnix eventre szoktam gyűjteni hogy ott vegyek dobozt mert hátha kiesik egy epic token és plusz egy hajó plusz trait és lehet olyan ami jó is. majdnem megvan onnan mind de most raktak be oda újat is ami nicns meg. Dilt Zenre meg nagyon lassan forgat a game és inkább erősödni szeretnék mint vásárolgassak zen store-ból. Így kb mindent a fő kariba próbálok gyúrni hogy egy legyen ami jó de az se tökéletes. nem rossz de biztos lehetne jobb Boff, jobb traitek meg jobb Doff is ami kéne neki. De erre fussa abból amit én játszok vele. Néha ha megtetszik egy pakk akkor arra spórolok IRL mint Dyson pakk. De nem olyan erősek a karaktereim. Se tac, se engi se a science-ek. Meg ugye jobb lett volna tematikus karakter de mire azokat átállítom megint mennyi idő lenne..... pl Andorian kari Andorian hajóval és Andorian weaponnal érted
Egyébként is az a napi 8 K dil sincs meg sokszor. Illetve akartam egy olyant csinálni hogy a Tour the Galaxy-ra egy hajót építeni de nincs rá jó hajóm azt néztem régebben. Az is adna EC-t ha mindet meg tudnám benne csinálni.[ Szerkesztve ]
én minden karimmal máésikba vagyok de a flottás cuccokat is nehezen tudom kiszedni mert vagy nics rá valóm vagy a flotta küldikbe nem tudok betenni mert fel van töltve már.
Egyébként meg a hajóm is hiába van Epic cuccal de nem érzem azt hogy nagyobb szinten megállná.[ Szerkesztve ]
Efanatica #22785 üzenetére
Én is f2p fiókkal kezdtem és három karakterrel, csak sokat farmoltam. Sosem vettem pénzért semmit.
First buyer pack is ingyen lett meg, vettem zent arc pontért. Mindent diliből vettem meg, nagyon sok farmolással, na és rengeteg dilit a flottába raktam.
De mázlim volt, kezdőként jó flottába kerültem.
Kitanultam a dili farmot. -
Valamiért tényleg elég jól adja.
Véletlen aktiválták volna az admiralty hetet?
B0nsh44 #22781 üzenetére
Hááát,50+ karim van,ha keresek valamit az nagyon szár ügy.
WoW-ban van addonom ami mutatja hogy melyik karinál mi van a táskában bankban,de STO-ban nincs addon.
Így ha valamit keresek az fárasztó.
Kb 160 slotos acc bankom van,általában a lényeges cuccokat tartom ott,de sokszor mindenféle marhaságot.
Winter eventen is jól jött mikor farmoltam a tokent,oda befért több tízezer.
Időnként ki kell pakolni,mert néha megtelik mark ládával,olyankor kell tárolós kari,viszont már nincs kedvem több bankos karit csinálni,a meglevőnek meg tele a puttonya is.Mi a fene,megint admiralty hét van?
[ Szerkesztve ]
Efanatica #22774 üzenetére
Figy ez groundra tökre jó,nekem sincs spéci cuccom groundra,mert én meg azt szeretem amit megszoktam,én például szeretek ostorral menni TFO-ra.
Plusz imádom a rizsa modulokat.
Talán van két vicces borg karakterem.
Groundra én főleg a kit skillekre tettem.
Én sem használok minden karimnál sárga geart.
Van olyan karim amivel szinte ssoem megyek groundra így a ground részt nem fejlesztettem rendesen.
Vagy alig.
Most recruit event van,ilyenkor célszerú azzal játszani mert bónuszt kapsz.
Ezzel csinálom az endeavorokat.
Ezzel pedig sompeken voltam,ugyanis félrenyomtam. No win helyett sompekre nyomtam.
Efanatica #22769 üzenetére
Mi a fenéért nem csinálod az endeavor küldiket?
Csak a vacak endeavor ládában lehet akár több milla ec.
Mivel ha lila ec loot jön annak darabja 500 ezer ec.
Másik meg ott van az elite TFO.
Van egy rahedli tök könnyű TFO amire lehet járni.
Elite TFO jutalma elég drága craft alapanyag,ha azt farmolod abból is kereshetsz pénzt.
De ott van az admiralty,az is ad egy rahedli lóvét.
Télen itt volt a winter event,ha akartál volna tudtál volna farmolni tokent,azt is el lehet adni.
Mostanában egy rakás T6 hajót kaptunk,ennyivel már simán lehetne admiraltyzni.
Told a kredites küldiket és lesz pénzed.
Én sem szoktam pénzt farmolni mert unom.
Viszont minden mást szeretek farmolni.
Vagy ott van a doffozás,szerzel sok fleet kreditet,amit marha könnyű.
Az eventek csak úgy ontják az fleet markot,ha azt választod.
Fleet creditből veszel lila random doffokat és eladod pénzért.
Vagy NOP Public Service cseten kérsz sulibán invet,felmész sulibán hajóra a régi trükkel egy helyett hat doffot csinálsz.
Ha lila és drága eladod exen,akár 30-40 msit is kaphatsz érte.[ Szerkesztve ]
Vagyis ezerrel próbálják nyitni a hajót,így nagyon sok boxot nyitnak.
Emiatt a fegyverek és egyéb apróságok olcsók.
Pár nap és tele lesz az exchange fegyverrel.
Én egyenlőre kimaradok belőle,kíváncsi vagyok először hogy a tizenötödik évfordulóra milyen csomagot dobnak vajon ki. -
itt az új breen verda.
Vagy szöveg:Command the Breen Keth Sarr Intel CourierGet your hands on the Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier, as seen on Star Trek: Discovery and featured in our Partners in Crime Lockbox!
By Fero January 28, 2025, 08:00 AM
Modeled after the ship of famed husband and wife team Moll and L’ak from Star Trek: Discovery, this ship has seen the far reaches of space a number of times and more than one impossible escape. Follow in the footsteps of this daring duo and discover a new Experimental Weapon, and more!
Whether you’ve found your partner in crime or not, the Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier will get you and your crew out of any risky scenario you find yourself in! Sometimes a quick escape is your only option, but luckily this Intel Courier has multiple escape options to choose from. Whether you need a speed boost to escape an enemy ship, or a distraction to escape a whole armada, this vessel has you covered.
The Keth Sarr is available in the Partners in Crime Lockbox on PC, starting on the 28th of January.
Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier [T6]
The Breen starships are as shrouded in mystery as the species itself is, and this includes the Keth Sarr. All we knew until now is that it comes with an array of custom adjustments and is hard to track when it wants to be. Luckily, we’ve managed to get all the important stats figured out for you.
Ship Details:
Tier: 6Faction: UnalignedRequired Rank: Must complete the TutorialHull Modifier: 0.9Shield Modifier: 0.85Fore Weapons: 5Aft Weapons: 2Device Slots: 2Bridge Officer Stations:2x Commander Universal / Intel1x Lt. Commander Universal / Pilot1x Ensign UniversalConsoles: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 ScienceBase Turn Rate: 22.5Impulse Modifier: 0.215Inertia: 85+15 Weapons Power, +15 Aux PowerBunker Buster - Experimental WeaponGather IntelligenceExpose Vulnerability: DefensesExpose Vulnerability: Weapon SystemsExpose Vulnerability: Critical SystemsStarship Mastery PackagePrecise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy Hit)Tactical Maneuvers (+Accuracy Miss)Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Damage)Enhanced Weapon Banks (+15% Crit Severity)Never There (Starship Trait)Admiralty Ship Stats:
Eng: 42Tac: 28Sci: 56Special: +35 TAC when Alone
Console Power - Aggressive Negotiations
When the Breen make their consoles, they keep every eventuality in mind. As soon as Aggressive Negotiations is activated, your ship’s damage and maneuverability are increased for 10 seconds. Then, your ship cloaks for a further 10 seconds, allowing you to take advantage of the enemy when you decloak. A Tactical buff helps you seal the deal for an additional 10 seconds.
Experimental Weapon - Bunker Buster
Fires a polaron charge which pursues its target and then detonates, creating a polaron cloud and debuffing your opponents. It may be upgraded like a standard weapon, swapped out for another Experimental Weapon, and placed in any other starship’s Experimental Weapon Slot.
Experimental Polaron Charges will automatically seek out the nearest foe within a 10km radius, and rush toward them. Once close enough to their foe, they detonate, dealing heavy Polaron damage within a 5km area, and reducing the Defense of foes in that area. You may only have 6 Experimental Proton Charges in play at once and you will be unable to fire additional shots until the existing ones have delivered their payload or have timed out after 60sec.
Starship Trait – Never There
Utilize specialized mobile emitters to draw off enemy attackers and debuff them if they get too close to the probes.
Probe Spread Draws Hostile Attention + Debuff
Summon 6 probes which distract your enemies
Each probe creates a 2.5km sphere which:
Taunts foesIncreases probe Threat Generation by 1000%Debuffs Flight Speed and Turn Speed of enemies by 50%Reduces enemy accuracy by -20%Na és az új lock box.
[link]The Partners in Crime LockboxThe Partners in Crime Lockbox brings items and technologies from Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 to Star Trek Online on PC!
By Fero January 28, 2025, 08:00 AM
Barely anything was known about the Breen within the Federation until recently. Watching the close interactions between famed husband and wife duo Moll and L’ak, we have come to learn many new things about the mysterious Breen and their technology.
The Partners in Crime Lockbox, available on PC from January 28th at 8am PT until March 18th at 12pm PT, brings Star Trek: Discovery’s fifth season to Star Trek Online. With so many new items from the Breen, including Moll and L’ak’s ship itself, the Lobi Consortium has made sure that there’s something for everyone. Read on to find out more.
This Intel Courier is ready to get you out of any dicey situation that you might find yourself in and is the grand prize of the Partners in Crime Lockbox. Check out all the ship’s stats in this blog.
Console - Universal - Krenim Chronophage
Sometimes you just need that little extra kick to give you the upper hand in battle. The Breen like to always have a trick up their sleeve, which is why they created the Krenim Chronophage. It sends out a device that attaches to the targeted enemy ship and creates a field around it that deals Physical Damage, inflicts Hold, and Shields Offline, continuously to all enemy ships caught in its area. At the same time, it causes the ship to teleport randomly to other nearby enemies every 5 seconds.
Kit Modules
Two new kit modules can be obtained from the Partners in Crime Lockbox. Both can be used by any career.
The Promelian Assault Drones Module summons 3 Promelian Assault Drones for a short duration, which periodically charge into the enemy, exploding after a short delay.
The Microsingularity Generator is another device that can get you out of a tough situation when you’re overloaded by enemies. It lets you throw a device that creates a Microsingularity which pulls in enemies, leaving behind a gravitational breach. This breach deals constant damage to enemies in the area.
Personal Trait Box
This box is filled with a collection of brand-new Space and Ground Traits! It will open with a random Trait from the following list.
Breen Shield Tunneling
This trait increases your Shields and Armor Penetration and decreases Maximum Shield Hit Points.
Harmonic Shield Linkage
It’s dangerous out there - you’ll need some allies, and this new trait! Gain Bonus Shield Regeneration and Hardness based on the number of nearby allies, including yourself.
Red Directive
Hobnobbing with a couple of temporal agents in the Infinity Room has its perks! Your Intel and Temporary Operative abilities have reduced recharge time.
Resonating Personal Shields
There’s a reason you never leave your starship without a capable away team. It’s always good to have someone making up for your blind spots. Now you have an extra advantage, as this trait gives you Bonus Shield Regeneration and Hardness based on the number of nearby allies, including yourself.
Glass Cannon
An age-old adage, applied to many forms of combat: the best defense is a good offense. Increases All Weapon Damage, decreases Maximum Shield Hit Points.
Scent of Blood
Few things are more satisfying than a good, critical shot, and this ground trait adds to that. Your Secondary Weapon Firing Mode recharges faster after landing a critical hit on your target. May occur once every 2 seconds.
Partners in Crime Weapon Pack
This new type of Weapon comes equipped with special Polaron power. With visuals based on the Breen weapons from Star Trek: Discovery, they all also cause Frostbite, which Deals 1% of the enemy’s Health in Cold damage. You can obtain the following Weapon Types:
Space Weapons:
Breen Imperium Polaron Beam ArrayBreen Imperium Polaron Dual Beam BankBreen Imperium Polaron Dual CannonsBreen Imperium Polaron Dual Heavy CannonsBreen Imperium Polaron CannonBreen Imperium Polaron Turret
Ground Weapons:
Kit out your whole crew with these new Polaron Ground Weapons:
Breen Imperium Polaron Split Beam RifleBreen Imperium Polaron High-Density Beam RifleBreen Imperium Polaron Rapidsweep RifleBreen Imperium Polaron Compression Bolt PistolBreen Imperium Polaron Stun PistolBreen Imperium Polaron Wide Beam Pistol
Breen Courier Vanity Shield
Join the world of renegades with the Breen Courier Vanity Shield. Each Weapon Pack has a chance to drop one!
Starship Trait – Never There
Utilize specialized mobile emitters to draw off enemy attackers and debuff them if they get too close to these probes.
Probe Spread Draws Hostile Attention + Debuff
Summon 6 probes which distract your enemies
Each probe creates a 2.5km sphere which:
Taunts foesIncreases probe Threat Generation by 1000%Debuffs Flight Speed and Turn Speed of enemies by 50%Reduces enemy accuracy by -20%
Lobi Store – Courier Renegade Outfit & Breen Renegade Outfit
Immerse yourself fully by adding Moll & L’ak’s outfits to your inventory, as seen in Star Trek: Discovery. Find them in the Lobi Store with the launch of the Partners in Crime Lockbox.
And if that isn’t enough for you yet, we’re also adding two new themed weapons: The Breen 3191 Rifle Staff and the Courier Stasis Pistol![ Szerkesztve ]
Mai Peccs:
General:Resolved an issue causing German translations to not appear for captains who set their language to German.Resolved a number of issues with some Space Duty Officers and equipment that caused them to disappear for captains. -
Endeavor miatt elmentem orion karimmal még egy sompek arena-ra,phaser sebzés kellett,így random betettem neki egy phaser puskát a bankból.
Még sosem használtam ezt a puskát és nem is emlékszem honnan van,de nagyon klassz.Azt hiszem upgradelem. Fura a lövése is,de az nagyon klassz ahogy a lövés átmegy több célponton is. Plusz érdekes célzó animációja van.
Csak arénában meg nimbus-on póbáltam,de kb mindig kritikust lő.[ Szerkesztve ]
Lehet hogy még is vissza jön az ára az event buyout-nak.
Szórakoztam kicsit a S31 holo kütyüvel,egész vicces álcákat ad.
Még Morn is benne van. -
Játszhatatlanul laggol ez a szar!
Section 31 giveaway.
Section 31 GiveawayOn PC, claim the Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle and ten Faulty Section 31 Holo-Disguises for free!
By Fero January 24, 2025, 09:00 AM
“Extraordinary measures must be taken in the face of extraordinary threats.”
If you believe in the old saying that the "ends justify the means", you may find like minds within the ranks of the secretive Section 31. But before you make any rash decisions, maybe try out some of their ... toys, and see how you like them.
From January 24th at 8am PT until January 27th at 12m PT on PC, head to the “Promotions” tab in the Zen Store and claim the following items FOR FREE for your account:
Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle10x Faulty Section 31 Holo-Disguise
Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle
The Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle was developed with the direct oversight of a high-ranking operative within the intelligence organization known as "Section 31." The operative in question is named only as "Leland" in design documentation, without indication of further identifying names, or rank. This operative designed the weapon with the specific purpose of weakening and piercing through personal-scale shielding technology, even though such technology was rare in the time period from which it originates (believed to be the late-23rd century).
This rifle's primary setting will fire an additional bolt that seeks out a random target near the primary foe's location, while its secondary fire channels a high-intensity sweeping beam designed to lay waste to a large area in a short amount of time.
When first received, this weapon will level with you until you reach Level 60, at which point you may apply Tech Upgrades to further improve its functionality.
Faulty Section 31 Holo-Disguise
Activating this Section 31 device will conceal your true species behind a holographic disguise for 5 minutes total. The species selector is faulty and the disguise is removed by combat. -
Ma jön a javítás.
General:Resolved an issue where participating in the No Win Scenario event did not grant progress towards Event Campaign 7.
Anyone who participated in the No Win Scenario event previously will have the correct event campaign 7 progress granted as well.
Resolved an issue causing the Olympic-class and Nobel-class variants to not have the Vesta material and window options available in ship customization.
Known issues:We are aware of problems with some Space Duty Officers and equipment after the last maintenance and we're looking into it. -
Egyébként lehet hogy a konzolos event zavar be a PC-s eventbe.
Konzolosok ugye levannak maradva,nekik most megy az az event ami nekünk valamikor novemberben ment.
Nálunk a hetedik éves kampány fut.
Náluk a hatodik,vagyis a tavalyi.
Ha most elmész eventre nem a hetedikre kapsz pontot hanem a hatodikra.
Lehet hogy valahogy összeakadt a pc és konzolos szerver
Elvégre a múltkori talent dolog abból akadt hogy a Star Trek online szerverre át jött a neverwinter online hibája.
Szerintem ezek a gigantikus bugok már valahol viccesek.
Mondjuk én is vesztettem vele. De akkor is,ezek már olyan bénák hogy az vicces.
Ahogy elnézem,kb minden karakteremről tünt el doff.
Az aktív doffot kiszedte a játék és eltűntek.[ Szerkesztve ]
Hiába az újabb patch, a Campaign Progress még mindig 0-át mutat!
A boff megtalálható a promotions fülön szerintem.
De mindjárt megnézem.
A boff elite tokent én csak spéci boffokra toltam el.
Vanguard,vagy hasonló spécire.
Bár azt hiszem volt közte kék,úgy rémlik valamelyik macskává változó boff meg vanguard valami bugtól kék lett.
De szerintem ugyanolyan lett. Majd megnézöm.[ Szerkesztve ]
senior tag
Csak 21.-én volt ajcsi? Jól láttam, hogy a boff csak egy karakterrel vehető ki?
Boff elite token. Lesz valami külömbség ha egy kéket vagy egy lilát húzok fel vele? -
L3zl13 #22737 üzenetére
Tegnap no winen csupa Voyager volt.
De rajtam kívül csak egy sci kari volt, többi vagy engi vagy tac.
Elég érdekes volt így.
Egyébként azt hiszem a trait vacakolással a gw mintha erősebbé vált volna.
Mellesleg most doffok hülyültek meg.
Hatodik doff slotok eltűntek meg a spéci boxos doffok eltűntek.
Még a fajuk is eltűnt a listából.[ Szerkesztve ]
Azt jól láttam, hogy a giveaway-es hajók nem account unlockosak?
Még nem csomagoltam ki őket. -
Az eventes verda érdekes,a hídja elég nagy.
Vannak rajta vendorok.
Plusz tud hívni sulibán hajót,meg valami security verdát is.
Nagyon sok helyre tud transwarpolni.
Mivel nem tudtam ellenálni a csábításnak,így megvettem pénzért az eventet.
De valami nem teljesen jó.
De a napi izé még mindig bugos. tavalyi eventre ad pontot.
[ Szerkesztve ]
Efanatica #22681 üzenetére
Jön az új atom erős breen hajó.
Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier [T6].
“Discovery: Partners In Crime” lock box fogja dobni.Star Trek Online: Unveiled - Live February 11thThis new update celebrates 15 Years of Star Trek Online and features Star Trek Celebrity Jonathan Del Arco as Hugh!
By Fero January 22, 2025, 09:00 AM
In celebration of our 15th anniversary, we're happy to announce that Star Trek Online: Unveiled, the 33rd season of Star Trek Online, will launch on February 11, 2025 for PC and will launch on PlayStation and Xbox consoles on March 11, 2025. In this new Star Trek Online season, you can dive into new story content within the Axiom episode, a 15th Anniversary event, updates to the Infinity Lockbox and more.
In Star Trek Online: Unveiled, a new and far more sinister Borg incursion is taking place in the Ram Izad system. While responding to a request for help from Hugh, renowned Cooperative Borg Faction Leader and Executive Director of the Reclamation Project, you will discover the damaged and seemingly abandoned ship of Aetherian leader, Thaseen-Fei, in the Delta Quadrant. Mounting a search-and-rescue mission, you must reunite with familiar faces in order to uncover the truth about what went wrong aboard the Harmony!
This new adventure features beloved Star Trek franchise star Jonathan Del Arco who returns to the Trek universe as Hugh, the renowned Cooperative Borg Faction Leader. Jonathan Del Arco is known for playing Hugh in the fifth and sixth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, alongside reprising the role in the first season of Star Trek: Picard.
Star Trek Online: Unveiled will include the following new features:
New Episode – AxiomMount a search-and-rescue mission and uncover the truth of what went wrong aboard the Aetherian ship, the Harmony, and find your contact, Hugh, leader of the Cooperative Borg Faction!Season 33 Event – 15th AnniversaryDuring this new event, celebrate 15 years of Star Trek Online through playing selected content and earn a variety of rewards including a Garret Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser [T6].New Lockbox: “Discovery: Partners In Crime”Includes a brand-new Grand Prize starship: Breen Keth Sarr Intel Courier [T6].Contains an entirely new selection of rewards, inspired by Season 5 of Star Trek: Discovery.Accompanied by new items for purchase in the Lobi Crystal Store. -
Bár az event nem megy,az ajándék Voyager csomag bent van.
Kazon hajó úgy látom hogy egyszer kivehető.
Vagyis csak egy karinak adható.
A boff meg fed only.[ Szerkesztve ]
Voltam eventen,még épp csak bementünk,de ilyen fura fények voltak.
Pedig nem volt ott semmi,én legalább is nem láttam semmit.Az event mellesleg bugos.
Campaign progress 0.[ Szerkesztve ]
Klingon event miatt klingon sale is van.
Start Your Adventure & Klingon Item SalesThis week, Captains on PC can save on Klingon items and everything they need to start their adventure!
By Fero January 21, 2025, 08:00 AM
Are you joining the Klingon Empire during this Klingon Recruit event? Now's the perfect chance to get your gear ready. In honor of the return of Klingon Recruitment, we're putting every Klingon item in the Zen Store on sale for 25% off, from January 21st at 8am PT to January 25th at 12pm PT on PC. You can pick up ships, costumes, weapons and more, so go make sure your Klingon is ready to bring glory to you and your house!
In addition Captains, it’s a great time to start a new career in the Final Frontier. That’s because the Start Your Adventure Sale is now live! From January 21st at 8am PT to January 27th at 12pm PT at 12pm PT on PC, you can get a brand new character (or your 32nd level 65) kitted out the way you like by saving 25% on everything listed below in the Zen Store:
Starter Packs
Don’t wait – it’s the perfect time to get everything you need!Nekem vadi új klingon hajók kellenének.
[ Szerkesztve ]
Star Trek Online will have maintenance on all platforms at 7am PT today, 1/21. Estimated downtime is 2.5 hours for PC and 2 hours for console. Thank you for your patience!
Mai peccs:
2025 Event Campaign – Part I:
Play through multiple Events to earn a Tier 6 Infinity Promotional Ship of your choice, two Free T6 Zen Store Coupons, AND 1500 Lobi! A total of six Events will participate in this Event Campaign, each contributing Campaign Progress toward this valuable prize. Earn progress for your entire account by participating in an eligible Event, including after claiming the Grand Prize for each individual Event. Check out the first eligible Event below!
No Win Scenario:This will be the first event that will participate in the 2025 Event Campaign, marking your first chance at receiving its reward.This Event will include multiple TFOs previously featured individually in a combined Featured Event that will allow players to choose their preferred activity each day. All of these TFOs can be accessed via the Event UI, accessible within your Mission Journal by pressing on the “Events” Tab.Arena of Sompek – Ground TFOKobayashi Maru – Space TFOParticipating in this Event will give all players the opportunity to win the Merchantman Freighter [T4].Rewards:Players will be able to earn their Daily Progress once every 20 hours.Accruing a total of 14 days’ worth of Daily Progress will allow you to claim all of these rewards:Merchantman Freighter [T4]Once earned, every character on your account will be able to claim this ship.3x Featured TFO Reward Boxes (Single Character Reward)Each gives a choice of 1x Specialization Point or an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade25,000 Dilithium Ore (Single Character Reward)Issued immediately for use as you see fit!Bonus Rewards:After claiming the Grand Prize, you will unlock the option of earning additional Dilithium Ore each day, beginning at 8,000 Dilithium Ore for the first day’s completion, and increasing for subsequent days.Zen Buyout Option:For players interested in instantly completing the No Win Scenario Event, we will be offering the option to purchase the remaining progress of this event at a scaling amount of Zen, as with other recent events.A Second Chance:Progress after the Event has ended will remain in an all new Second Chance interface, allowing the option to buyout rewards long after the Event has expired.For more information, please visit the “Do You Believe in a No Win Scenario?” blog at: https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/news/article/11573535
General:Resolved an issue preventing captains from activating some traits. -
Egész jó buildek vannak.
De azt hiszem várok még kicsit.
Jön az évfordulós event, eventes hajó.
Na és ha igaz 15-ödik évfordulós legendary bundle.
Remélem legalább 10 hajóval, nagyon remélem hogy legalább 2-3 klingonnal is.
De sci biztos lesz benne.
Azt megvárom mert az biztos megváltoztatása pár dolgot.
Nagyon vágyom legó gurambára, valami raptorra, esetleg carrier re.[ Szerkesztve ]
Újra itt az éves event kampány.
Itt a hír linkje.
[link]Itt meg a hír szövege egybe bemásóva.
Bocsi lusta vagyok,rendezni.Do you Believe in a No Win Scenario?Battle the Kobayashi Maru and the Arena of Sompek during this special event, unlock the Merchantman Freighter, and earn progress for the new Event Campaign!
By Fero January 20, 2025, 08:00 AM
From across the quadrants, Captains of all species and creeds understand the value of occasionally pushing themselves to the limits – to find out just how far their equipment, and their willpower, can take them, and just how much fight they can muster when the situation is at its direst. Screw your courage to its sticking place, and dive headlong into these classic tests of mettle – dare to face the No Win Scenarios.
This Event will include multiple TFOs previously featured individually in a combined Featured Event that will allow players to choose their preferred test each day, while earning Daily Progress toward a new grand prize reward. Defend the Kobayashi Maru in a starship-based simulation in a hazard-strewn space environment or take on wave after wave of randomized enemy encounters within the dangerous confines of the Arena of Sompek.
Participating in this Event will be your first chance to earn progress in our 2025 Event Campaign and it will give all players the opportunity to earn the new Merchantman Freighter [T4] for their entire account! Keep reading for details on this ship, how you can participate in the Event, and what additional prizes may be earned.
Take the Tests Again
Two existing activities will be participating in this Event:
Arena of Sompek – Ground TFO
In the interest of strengthening the Alliance against its enemies, and providing entertainment, the Klingons have agreed to allow other members to participate in the legendary qaD HoS event. You’ve been invited to Qo’noS to participate as representatives of the Alliance. It will be good practice for the battles ahead and should be good for morale.
The Event version of the simulation ends after you complete Round 7.
Kobayashi Maru – Space TFO
The legendary Kobayashi Maru simulation has been updated to represent more of the risks of the modern galactic environment. Defend the ill-fated E.C.S. Kobayashi Maru from attackers amidst increasingly dangerous waves of enemies, while avoiding randomized obstacles and hazards.
The Event version of the simulation ends after you complete Round 6.
While most of the action players will engage in during these TFOs have not changed for this event, a few minor adjustments have been made to each that will be present for the length of this Event’s run:
As noted above, each has a fixed duration during this Event. Prior to the designated ending point, neither can be failed.During this Event, the Untimed/Infinite versions of these TFOs will be temporarily disabled.Each completion will reward a Choice of All Marks (replacing the usual Mark rewards)Both TFOs have had their Cooldown Timers temporarily disabled
Review Your Results
Viewing the details of this Event in-game is as simple as opening your Journal and navigating to the “Events” tab. From here, all of the pertinent information is at your fingertips, as are simple-to-use buttons that allow quick access to the associated Content for this Event.
As a core feature of the updated Event System, all Progress Points gained toward completion of the Event are shared across your entire Account, and all earned Progress is automatically tracked and applied toward completing the Event.
Players will be able to earn their Daily Progress once every 20 hours. Either of the above TFOs may be played as much as you like each day, so pick and choose how you prefer to gain Progress each day and mix it up as much (or as little) as you like!
Event Campaign VII
The No Win Scenarios Event will be the first Event that will participate in the latest installment of our multi-event system known as an Event Campaign. You'll need to participate in six events in total in order to earn the Grand Prize: A Tier 6 Infinity Promotional Ship of your choice, Two Free T6 Zen Store Coupons, AND 1500 Lobi!
No Win Scenarios – Event Rewards
Accruing a total of 14 Days’ worth of Daily Progress will allow you to claim the Grand Prize of this Event. This reward includes all of the following:
Merchantman Freighter [T4]Once earned, every character on your account will be able to claim this ship. Complete details are included later in this blog.3x Featured TFO Reward Boxes (Single Character Reward)Each gives a choice of 1x Specialization Point or an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade25,000 Dilithium Ore (Single Character Reward)Issued immediately for use as you see fit!
(Note: The Featured TFO Boxes and Dilithium Ore are only rewarded once, to the first character on your account that claims the Grand Prize.)
Reward Details: Merchantman Freighter [T4]
Freighters and Transports are large vessels designed for trade and long-range cargo hauling. Almost all space-faring races utilize Freighters and have for as long as space travel has been viable. The "Merchantman" line of Freighters represents independence and freedom from the primary powers of the galaxy, and is typically flown by those who value their own merchant empires above any faction, territory, colony, or empire they may have once called home.
The Merchantman Freighter interior has a number of amenities including a Trade Duty Officer Assignment contact, which is not standard on most starships. Both you and your allies can access the Trader.
Also assigned to the Freighter interior is a Quartermaster. The Quartermaster can sell you and your allies commodities at a discounted rate. A similar discount applies when you make any Energy Credit Purchase while onboard your ship (for instance, from Sector Space Freighter Stores). The interior also includes access to the Bank, Exchange and Mail, all of which are accessible to you and your allies.
The Merchantman Freighter has access to a secure subspace channel to call in a Security Transport ship. The Security Transport will allow you to access Prisoner Transfer and Contraband Assignments. The Security Transport is not a combat support vessel, and can only be called when in Sector Space. It is accessible to you and your allies.
Finally, the Merchantman Freighter comes with a Transwarp Drive that will allow you to access the furthest corners of the quadrant. The Transwarp Drive will allow you to instantly access most Exploration Clusters. Note, like many older Transwarp drives, the Freighters Transwarp has a small chance to fail.
Merchantman Freighters are not designed as combat vessels. They come with minimal armaments designed only to ward off pirates and other would-be threats.
Note: You can switch to your Freighter from any ship interior. Once you're done using it, switch back to any ship from the Freighter interior.
Ship details:Faction: AnyRequired Rank: Complete the TutorialHull Modifier: 1.1Shield Modifier: 0.9Fore Weapons: 3Aft Weapons: 2Device Slots: 3Bridge Officer Stations:1 Lieutenant Universal1 Lieutenant Commander Universal1 Ensign UniversalConsole Modifications: 2 Tactical Console, 2 Science Consoles, 2 Engineering ConsolesBase Turn Rate: 15Impulse Modifier: 0.16Inertia: 40+5 to All Subsystem Power
Bonus Rewards
After claiming the Grand Prize, you will unlock the option of earning additional Dilithium Ore each day that you continue participating in the content associated with this Event. Each day you earn the Daily Progress you will be automatically granted a bundle of Dilithium Ore.
This bonus reward will begin at 8,000 Dilithium Ore for the first day’s completion, then scales up with each subsequent bonus completion that you achieve. The more you play, the more you continue to earn!
Zen Buyout Option
For players interested in instantly completing this Event – whether that is due to worries over finding the play time to complete it or simply wanting to move immediately into earning Bonus Rewards – we will be offering a method for buying out.
Within the Event UI, an option will be presented that allows you to purchase the remaining progress that you need, for a scaling amount of Zen. The base price for this service will be 2,000 Zen, but every single Daily Progress that you earn will reduce that price on a percentage basis. Thus, if you have already earned 7 Daily Progress (half of the 14 required), this price will be reduced for you down to 1,000 Zen. The more you play, the cheaper the Buyout Option becomes, dynamically!
A Second Chance
Once this Event has ended, your opportunity to earn Progress Points will have passed. However, the Event System will store the progress that you made long after the Event has expired. Based on this stored progress, the option to Buyout the rewards will remain available through a new “Second Chance” section of the Zen Store. The price for this buyout is the same as what is offered while the Event is active, and scales in the same manner based on your amount of Progress Points accrued.
The No Win Scenarios Event will become available for players on PC starting on January 21st at 8am PT and running until February 11th at 12pm PT. We’re aiming to have this event available for Captains on Xbox and PlayStation on February 18th.Imádom a Kobayashi maru TFO-t,remélem az eventes gyenge változat mellett elérhető lesz az igazi is.
Randommal túlélni a 10 menetet igazán jó kihívás.[ Szerkesztve ]
Úgy látom a múltkori peccs nem csak a traiteket lopta el.
Újra recruit event jőőő.
Úgy hogy elő a békanyzót és húzzunk klingon kalózt.The Klingon Empire Wants You!Klingon Recruitment returns next week on PC!
By Fero January 19, 2025, 08:00 AM
The Klingon Civil War is over, and true-hearted warriors are needed to ensure a glorious future. All Klingons worthy of the name must join the fight!
The Empire has redoubled its recruiting efforts, and from the shadows the most promising are redirected to a new path. New Klingon Captains will be known as Klingon Recruits, and they bring with them the backing of their shadowy patron. In 2021, the Klingon Starting Experience was completely reimagined, meaning that these Recruits will also have a completely reworked, modern starting story.
There will never be a better time to make a Klingon in Star Trek Online than during the Klingon Recruitment event, which runs from January 21st at 8am PT to February 11th at 12pm PT on PC. Characters made during this time will be Klingon Recruits, and they will earn a host of new benefits and rewards to aid them in their leveling experience.
Klingon Recruits are designed to emphasize the unique experience of being a warrior of the Empire. They have a number of advantages designed to close the gap that exists between new characters and characters that have been in Star Trek Online for years, all built around the glories of combat. But these Recruits have a secondary responsibility. Their mysterious patron is dead-set on removing Enemies of the Empire. After contacting Klingon Recruits during the tutorial, they are likely to move against these Enemies, attaching additional dangers and rewards to missions along the Klingon Storyline. Recruits who succeed against these Enemies will find themselves with a new T6 Bird-of-Prey that scales with their level. Each recruit’s own Transponder will give them details of their objectives.
Klingon Recruits will have a list of goals that they can achieve at any time, and completing these goals will see them rewarded with equipment, Marks, and other rewards. Many are not only beneficial to the Klingon Recruit, but to all characters on the same account. Completing story arcs will reward you with a unique Ground Universal Kit, completing Ambush Kills in space and Melee Kills on the ground will unlock a Starship Trait and Ground Personal Trait, and all three of these rewards can be shared for all characters on your account.
Klingon Recruits can only be created during the Klingon Recruit event. These recruits can be recognized by the Klingon Symbol next to their names. All Klingon Recruits will have an inherent bonus trait during the Klingon Recruit Event of periodically granting a cache of Dilithium Ore upon defeating enemies, a bonus which extends to your entire group—the Recruit’s mysterious patron appreciates the allies of their ally. This trait will only be available during this event and will be gone once the Klingon Recruitment event ends, so gather your Dilithium Ore while you can!
Additional rewards are gained by leveling up, playing through story content up through the Klingon Civil War story arc, and finding special Klingon Recruit objectives on certain mission maps. Many of the same things that players do while levelling their characters will earn Klingon Recruits improved rewards! Some highlights include:
T6 Scaling Bird-Of-Prey (Recruit and Account – See Below for More Details)Starship Trait that provides windows of opportunity to Cloak safely during combat and improves rewards for doing so (Recruit and Account)Special Bat’leth that scales as you perform Melee Kills (Recruit and Account)Ground Personal Trait that provides scaling bonuses for Melee Kills (Recruit and Account)Endeavor Perk Experience bonus (Recruit and Account)Ground Universal Kit – Piezoelectric Execution Sceptre (Recruit and Account)Very Rare Duty Officer with Crit Energy Weapons Officer Trait (Recruit only)Unique Duty Officer and Admiralty Card (Recruit and account)And lots more, including: Gear, Upgrades, Marks, Elite Marks, and Dilithium to help kick-start the recruit, as well as account-wide Marks, Elite Marks, Dilithium and Upgrades to share the glory!
[link] -
Azért ESD-et és Sol systemet nagyon klasszul megcsinálták,a földön nem tudom hogy eddig változott-e az időjárás meg telt-e az idő,mert nem nagyon néztem.
De most elég jól észrevehető.
Ha afkolok egy ideig akkor elég látványosan változik.[ Szerkesztve ]
L3zl13 #22720 üzenetére
Nem tudsz véletlen valami jó honlapot ahonnan lehet lopni build ötletet?
Na jó nem lopni akarom,mert lopni úgysem lehet.
De kéne valami jó gw-s sci build egy tökre vulkáni karinak tökre vulkáni hajóval.
Máár vagy két hónapja felhúztam max szintre,de egyszerűen nincs semmi ötletem hogyan fejlesszem,így még repus itemet sem sokat vettem ki neki,lassan lesz egy milla dilije,de nekem meg semmi dilis ötletem nincs.
Még sosem volt ilyen.
Mindig van valami elvetemült őrült ötletem amit aztán megcsinálok,de most nem.Mivel nincs még mindig semmi ötletem így még nagyon traitet sem vettem ki neki.
Így még repus markot sincs kedvem farmolni. Max néha endeavorból esik.[ Szerkesztve ]
L3zl13 #22720 üzenetére
Nézd a STO és a neverwinter közösen fut valahogy.
Ha fent vagy neverwinterben beszélhetsz a STO játékosokkal,látod a STO-ban lévő barátaidat.
Olyan mintha ott lennél,látod hol vannak és mit csinálnak.
Régen mikor zakkantakat szivatni akartam akkor egyszerre futtattam a STO-t és neverwintert,így azt hitték egy accountról két karival vagyok bent.
Ment a duma hogy feljelentenek mert hacker vagyok.
Sőt nagyon régen még a hősös játék is közös volt,lehet ma is az,ha még fut.
Nagyon régen minden nap szinte a heroes vagy mi a fene nevű játékból a magyarok újra és újra beírták a Star Trek Online csetre ugyanazt a szöveget.
Nem idézném mert büntit kapnék érte.
Lehet hogy nem ez volt a neve,de valami szuperhősös játék volt.[ Szerkesztve ]
Szerintem kb szó szerint azt írják, hogy ezt az 1 csomagot lehet kivenni 21 és 26 között, úgyhogy én nem számítok másra.
Persze lehet, hogy ettől függetlenül lesz egy másik GA az anniversary event előtt.A másik dolog egy vicc. Nem lepődnék meg azon, ha a játékok ugyanazon a megaszerver clusteren futnának és használnának közös komponenseket, de hogy egy QoL feature hogyan lehet közös a kettő között azt nem tudom.
L3zl13 #22716 üzenetére
Ha igaz amit a cseten mondanak akkor nem csak egy ajándékot kapunk,hanem talán többet,állítólag a reddit cset szerint 21-26 közt lesznek giveaway napok.
Bár talán félre értették és csupán 26-ig lehet kivenni a hajókat.
De hátha nem.
Végül is mindjárt itt van a 15-ödik évforduló is.
Remélem azt nem rontják el.Egyébként azt mondják hogy a gond nem is teljesen a STO-ban volt.
Hanem a neverwinterben.
"The root cause: A new QOL feature was added to loadouts on Neverwinter, which had unintentional side effects on STO.It's pure coincidence that this released at the same time as the ESD revamp. That update also included a core code branch update, which included this NW code."
Ami azért vicces nem?
Egy másik játék hibája haza vágta a STO-t.[ Szerkesztve ]
L3zl13 #22716 üzenetére
Jöváhétre tették át.
Delayed, but on its way! The Star Trek: Voyager giveaway will be live next Tuesday, the 21st of January. Thank you very much for your patience!A Celebration of the VoyagerOn PC, claim your free gifts for the 30-year anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager!
By Fero January 16, 2025, 11:15 AM
"For I dipt in to the future, far as human eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be." Alfred, Lord Tennyson
It's been 30 years since the brave crew of the U.S.S. Voyager were lost in the Delta Quadrant and the amazing tales of their return to Starfleet Command in the year 2377.
As with all renowned Starfleet Vessels, we celebrate their brave adventures. All Captains on PC can claim the following items in-game FOR FREE from January 21st at 8am PT to January 26th at 12pm PT on PC.
T6 Long Range Science VesselT5 Kazon Heavy RaiderFaction-Appropriate EMH Mk I Science Officer
The T6 and T5 ships can be claimed once per account. You must have an empty ship slot available to unpack your ship[ Szerkesztve ]
Voyager annivesary giveaway.
A Celebration of the VoyagerOn PC, claim your free gifts for the 30-year anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager!
By Fero January 15, 2025, 08:00 AM
"For I dipt in to the future, far as human eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be." Alfred, Lord Tennyson
It's been 30 years since the brave crew of the U.S.S. Voyager were lost in the Delta Quadrant and the amazing tales of their return to Starfleet Command in the year 2377.
As with all renowned Starfleet Vessels, we celebrate their brave adventures. All Captains on PC can claim the following items in-game FOR FREE from January 15th at 8am PT until January 19th at 12pm PT:
T6 Long Range Science VesselT5 Kazon Heavy RaiderFaction-Appropriate EMH Mk I Science Officer
The T6 and T5 ships can be claimed once per account. You must have an empty ship slot available to unpack your ship. We’re aiming to have this giveaway available for console Captains on February 18!
Enjoy! -
Van egy karim amivel főleg trollkodni jártam régen STF-re.
Ma beléptem vele admiraltyzni.
És rájöttem hogy valami bibi van a hajó álcázójával.
Spoiler:Az álcázó aktív és nincs is pajzsom mint amikor álcában vagyok.
Sőt ott van a hajón a cloak buff. -
Mudd bundliban ahogy előttem is írták a hajók acc wide-ok.
Megveszel promós, lobis, boxos hajót az 1 karira lesz unlockolva.
Ha kell a traitjét az iszonyú sok pénz.
Mudd bundliban meg veszed akkor minden kariddal tolható.
Én már vettem.
Az egyiknél nagyon meglepődtem.
Azt hittem 3 hajó van benne, lófütyit.
Egy hajó, meg még kettő, csak hogy azoknak mindenféle változata.
Na az nagyon megérte.[ Szerkesztve ]
senior tag
senior tag
Miért kell minden kibaszott updatenél kinullázni az összes traitet.... Kurvára unalmas állandóan visszapakolgatni.
A frissítéstől a traitek meghülyültek és leléptek.
Szép lött,bááár,bent marha világos van.
Ma megszépül ESD.
Ma kerül be az új űrállomás.
General:We have a little surprise for all of you PC Captains: A Earth Spacedock Update!Updated the exterior, System Space, model of ESD.The docking bay has been replaced with something that matches the exterior model.Updated minor parts of the interior of ESD.
Mudd bótba új bundli érkezik.
[link][ Szerkesztve ]
L3zl13 #22702 üzenetére
Engem meg elkapott a kíváncsiság hogy mennyit lehetne összeszedni aztán már nem tudtam abbahagyni.
Régen sokkal többet szereztem,sokkal kevesebb munkával.
Sok évvel ezelőtt a nerf előtt 20 karakterem volt,azzal több mint 100 ezret szedtem össze meg vagy 15k zent.
Bár most is jött egy kevés dili,de lófing a régihez képest. -
Én használnék sok mindent csak nagyon el vannak szállva az árak ebben a game-ben sajnos. Opciód meg nincs arra hogy sok EC-t farmolgass sajnos. Marketen meg esélytelen hogy valamit is vegyen az ember. De ez csak az én véleményem mert nem olyan mélyen foglalkozok vele. Megszereztem azt a trait-et is ami random ad matit vagy EC-t ahogy csinálod a mapokat és pusztítod az enemyket de olyan sokat nem ad hogy meg is érje. Hacsak nincs mellé valami bug de kétlem hogy lenne.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
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- D1Rect: Nagy "hülyétkapokazapróktól" topik
- sziku69: Szólánc.
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- sziku69: Fűzzük össze a szavakat :)
- Luck Dragon: Asszociációs játék. :)
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- Yongnuo 85mm 1.8 (legújabb modell) - Sony E
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