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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
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Azért akkoriban az AMD APU-k erősebbek voltak, mint az Intel CPU-k a APU.k. Az intel sokáig leragdt sok generáción kersztül az Intel HD Graphics 620-630 környékén. Sok éven át azpkat a GPU-kat szerelték a CPU-ba. Miközben az AMD fejlesztett. VOlt, hogy egy AMD CPU GPU-ja kétszer olyan erős volt,mint egy intel CPU APU.
LAS VEGAS, NV -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 01/04/11 -- CES -- Today at the Consumer Electronics Show, AMD (NYSE: AMD) launched a new class of accelerated processor that combines more compute capabilities than any processor in the history of computing. The AMD Fusion Family of Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) incorporate -- in a single die design -- multi-core CPU (x86) technology, a powerful DirectX® 11-capable discrete-level graphics and parallel processing engine, a dedicated high-definition video acceleration block, and a high-speed bus that speeds data across the differing types of processor cores within the design. New generations of desktop, notebook and HD netbooks are now available based on AMD Fusion APUs at affordable price points. Tablets and embedded designs based on AMD Fusion APUs are expected to be available later in Q1 2011. The new range of product features include stutter-free HD video playback, breakthroughs in computational horsepower to handle the most demanding applications,(ii) DirectX 11-capable graphics and all-day battery life.(i)
AMD expects leading manufacturers Acer, Asus, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Lenovo, MSI, Samsung, Sony and Toshiba to announce plans to deliver AMD Fusion APU-based systems at very compelling value and mainstream price points.
"We believe that AMD Fusion processors are, quite simply, the greatest advancement in processing since the introduction of the x86 architecture more than forty years ago," said Rick Bergman, senior vice president and general manager, AMD Products Group. "In one major step, we enable users to experience HD everywhere as well as personal supercomputing capabilities in notebooks that can deliver all-day battery life.(i) It's a new category, a new approach, and opens up exciting new experiences for consumers."We are the first of cyber evolution. We are the first to program your future.
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Város: Budapest