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Philips LCD és LED TV-k téma összefoglalója
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Hysterycs #20337 üzenetére
Találtam ilyent:
A VA panel a technológia miatt nem jó oldalról, az ips meg a backlight bleeding miatt. De a VA-nak jobb a feketéje."If you have only minor backlight issue you may consider your self as lucky. IPS panels suffer from strong backlight bleed and they usualy have strong dirty effect. The bigger the screen the worse the uniformity. You wouldn't want to see my brothers Philips 55PUS7502, it's that horrible. Black bars full of white patches, horrible vertical banding and on top yellow tinted vertical banding on each side of the screen, on left side it's about 10 cm wide, absolutely unacceptable. I really don't know why he kept a TV like this and it was quite expensive back then. No matter what you do with the picture settings everything is still there, I can't belive Philips dares to put a TV like this on the market but well they are not the only one doing this."
"If you are going to watch the TV from an angle all the time VA panel is not for you, then IPS or OLED is for you. The problem with IPS is that if you will watch it from an angle in a dark room it won't be much better then VA because of IPS glow while during day time or with ambient light in the evening IPS viewing angle is much better."
"What for are you using the TV, movies, sport, cartoons... are you watching any dark scene movies? Try watching them in the evening with with some ambient lights, you will see it won't look that that good from an angle, IPS glow really destroys the picture in darker movies or black bars, but if you are mostly watching brighter content you should be fine, the viewing angle in bright content is quite superior to an VA panel."
Nappal nézd vagy este felkapcsolt lámpánál, és inkább világosabb tartalmakat, azt írja az ips-ről.
Lehet hogy én is bemegyek egy media-ba, lehet hogy lesz kirakva 50-es és 55-ös is, akkor össze lehet hasonlítani a VA-t és IPS-t. Bár ott épp nem lehet besötétíteni ami ezek szerint kivégzi az ips-t.Aztán még pl. ez: [link]
Lehet hogy a 70-essel jobban járnál, az VA.[ Szerkesztve ]
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