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  • válasz Xaels #1063 üzenetére

    Már nem, itt a patch notes:


    Meddle (Q):
    Explosion delay changed: instead of 1.3 seconds after activation, it now detonates 0.75 seconds after impact with a surface.Updated sound effects to match the changes.
    Ruse (E):
    Cooldown increased from 30s to 40s.
    Pick-me-up (C):
    Healing duration increased from 8s to 10s.Bonus movement speed duration reduced from 8s to 3s.


    Guided Salve (E):
    Damage reduced from 70 to 65.Now deals 50% damage to objects.Can no longer destroy Killjoy’s Lockdown—after activation, Lockdown will retain 5 HP


    Barrier Mash (C):
    Now classified as a special ability.Cost: 400 credits (previously free).
    Gravnet (E):
    Now a basic ability with a 40s cooldown.Radius reduced from 16m to 14m.Updated sound effects for better gameplay clarity.If an enemy destroys the net, a sound cue will now play for all players


    Overdrive (X):
    Updated visual effects to make Neon and her laser direction more visible when using her ability.


    Undercut (Q):
    Charge count reduced from 2 to 1.Cost increased from 200 to 300.Now inflicts a suppression effect that lasts as long as the debuff (4s).
    Contingency (C):
    Added an alternate mode, where the wall moves at half speed.This does not affect the overall ability duration.
    Double Tap (E):
    When Iso’s shield breaks, he will now receive the "High Penetration" tag instead of "Wall Penetration", making him more vulnerable after his shield is destroyed.
    Kill Contract (X):
    Fixed a bug where, if Iso did not have an active positive effect from “Control Shot”, it would now automatically activate during his ultimate, guaranteeing a sphere spawn upon winning an arena fight.

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