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  • Ringman


    anglia vs izrael fejtegetés: [link]

    Israel #COVID19 update, week ending June 6th:
    - 105 total cases
    - 74 of those in the unvaccinated pop (3,835,144 people) = 1.93 cases per 100k.
    - 3 in partially vaccinated (342,620) = 0.88 per 100k.
    - 28 in fully* vaccinated (5,113,236) = 0.55 per 100k.

    * In Israel still extremely low COVID numbers without no evidence of resurgence; contrasts with UK data * No restrictions - everything is open. Most people not masking indoors * UK & Israel both with very high vaccination rates, so why are we seeing different disease dynamics?

    I'm sure there are better theories about this, but here are a few possibilities:
    1. Mounting evidence of importance of 2nd vax vs. variants (60% / 42% )
    2. Stricter border policy in Israel - mandatory PCR testing on arrival, no entry from "red" countries
    3. No one really knows
    4. mRNA vaccines exclusively in Israel, vs. a mix of both mRNA and viral-vector based in UK
    5. Perhaps a higher level of natural immunity in Israel, due to higher cumulative infection numbers

    majd kiderül, hogy Mo. melyik országo követi, remélem izraelt (vsz. itthon is nagyobb az átfertőződöttség, mint UK-ben - ellenben több féle vakcinával oltottunk)

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