- Feháborodott az Apple, a Meta az iPhone-felhasználók üzeneteit akarja olvasgatni
- A luxusmárkáknak kell a bitcoin, az USA jegybankjának nem
- Letiltja az USA a politikusokat a telefonhívásokról és szöveges üzenetekről
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7600 GS
válasz littlelion21 #10584 üzenetére
Jó kérdés, megpróbálom neked kideríteni.
hunfatal: [link]
"I then sent off this same player for confronting me just a few centimetres from my face and repeatedly shouting, 'You screwed up, you should be ashamed of yourself.'"
"After I sent off this player, he continued in this vein and in the same manner repeatedly said, 'You should be ashamed of yourself,' and had to be held back by his teammates and his team's steward. Once we were in the tunnel, the player continued in the same vein, repeatedly shouting the phrases mentioned above: 'You should be ashamed of yourself, you should be ashamed of yourself.'"
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Város: Budapest
Cég: Axon Labs Kft.
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