Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • aleister


    válasz Pioneer #42281 üzenetére

    Hivatalosan magának az elágaztatásnak a lényege az alábbi. Bár nem magyar, de némi angol tudással megérthető:

    "The main goal of Callisto network is to research and provide a reference implementation of an experimental protocol changes that aim to establish a smart-contract based on-chain governance system, completely financially transparent built-in development funding mechanism and balance the interest in the network between the miners and coin holders (ordinary network users).

    It is possible to improve the scalability of both ETC and Callisto networks by using one as a sidechain.

    Create a field for crosschain services improvements. It is also possible to establish a core of any crosschain service at the Callisto network and use Callisto smart-contracts state on ETC chain and visa versa which allows to facilitate the bandwidth of ETC chain. (Currently, DexNS, Address-To-Address message system, Token swap channels and ECNS are crosschain services that are deployed on ETC chain simultaneously)"

    Nem hivatalosan meg, amit fogtunder kolléga felvázolt. :DDD
    Annyi, hogy most bepróbálkozom én is, hátha némi profittal érek a végére. :)

    Eladó ÚJ Adata DDR4 2 GB so-dimm ram QNAP vagy Synology NAS-ba.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák