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~ Kamaszkorunk legszebb focicsapatai ~
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Gyozelem. Kellett.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ez a hispan jatekvezeto eleg AGYAGMUVESZETI CSEREPEDENY kategoria.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Napfénysüti #191880 üzenetére
Hivatalosan zartkapus, de ok is eltek azzal, amivel mi is az angolok?! ellen, hogy u14 gyerekek x szam csoport utan 1 felnott kiseret felugyelete mellett megtekintheti a merkozest.
De legalabb a mieink nem nyomtak ennyire a vuvuzelat.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Ringman #191874 üzenetére
De az is sztem fugg attol min nezed, es lehet a szolgaltatotol is, hogy lehetseges-e.
Vodan peldaul le lehet loni a kommentator hangot.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz hobizoli #191858 üzenetére
Hittetettuunemtettettu?As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Le is lehet fujni.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #191832 üzenetére
Kar, hogy a Litvanok nem nyertek vegul, de amig a lentebb levok egymastol raboljak a pontokat az csak nekunk jo.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz bagyulajuve #191830 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #191826 üzenetére
A vedok Bode Danielje.
Szaz kilos versenysulyu voltam BAZMEG.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #191818 üzenetére
Diego Simeone megtisztelve erezne magat, ha a jatekoskent tenykedo Pinter Attilat is csapataban tudhatna.
[link]Az a ket bodicsekk jegkorong meccseket is megszegyenito belemenesek.
De lehet az utobbi inkabb egy Clothesline pankracio mozdulat, nem tul jo a felvetel minosege.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Schafer Andras lemarad az Union Berlin BL csoportmeccseirol, miutan nem kerult benevezesre.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #191809 üzenetére
Diego CHOLO Simeone.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Graham "HARRY" Potter leendo allomashelye Lyon is lehet, es allitolag Graham Bacsi sem zarkozott el a lehetosegtol.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz cyberkind #191785 üzenetére
Azert eleg fullos stadion az is, az akkori legmodernebb epiteszeti/technologiai megoldasokat alkalmazva.
Ott is biztos van millio meg egy bufe, illemhelyiseg. Nem kell tul sokat varni arra, hogy kiszolgaljanak. A megkozelithetosegek is vallalhatoak a bufekhez/mosdokhoz meg a stadion legfelsobb reszeirol lefele indulva.Mindketto eleg full extras, de a Real Bernabeuja emelt a teten.
Az az elrejtheto jatekter nagyon komoly, es amennyi hely van ott lent egy rogtonzott Metallica-St. Anger videoklippet is le lehetne ott forgatni.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Salah ugy tunik maradni fog.
[link]As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz hobizoli #191771 üzenetére
Ezt lattam en is a mai nap.
Tiszta Sci-fi mar, nagyon meno.A Lille Stadion is tud asszem ilyen rejtsuk el a gyepet fiicsort, vagy csak a behuzhato teto van ott. Bar mar az is meno, es nagy epiteszeti szaktudast igenyel.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #191763 üzenetére
A vevojelolt is valami katar/szaud arabia/egyesult arab emirsegekbeli lenne, ahol Maszkham Al Shabab sejk, sejk, sejk, sejk fia lenne a vevojelolt.
Nem kis vitakat kivaltva Olaszorszagban, es rest of world.
... de lehet elobb utobb mar ez is el fog jonni. A jatekosok bekebelezese europabol csak a kezdet lehet.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #191759 üzenetére
A Lyonnal detto hasonlo csapat jelensegek, csak ott mar hetvegen a capo agya eldurrant a meccs utan, es alaposan kiosztotta oket.
[link]Lehet a Juventusnal is elobb utobb elkerulhetetlen lesz egy hasonlo.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #191732 üzenetére
Aztan ki tudja lehet Pogbacsival csak olyan aron sikerul fizetest csokkentetni pl. 6 misi/ev, hogy kitolodik a szerzodese 2027. nyaraig.
Es akkor meg tovabb erositheti a Juventus Medical Center FC-t.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ifj. Lisztest vitte a Frankfurt, de a BL klubhoz tenylegesen csak jovo nyaron csatlakozik, addig Fradi kolcson.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Egy Urban TOMLAF Floriannal ma szegenyebb lett az mb2 mezonye.
Elkuldte a BVSC Zuglo.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz dellfanboy #191669 üzenetére
Sajat erobol nem megy.
Mert mar a piramis legaljan is evtizedek ota tombol a DILETTANIZMUS.
Igy aztan a piramis legtetejen sem lesz a KESZTERMEK, akiknek olyan 18-19-20-21 eves futballistakbol kene allniuk, akik helyt tudnak allni nivosabb nyugatibb elso osztalyu ligakban.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz pendre54 #191660 üzenetére
A felsobb kepedet lopnam engedelmeddel.Az a meccs amugy egy igazi hamisitatlan BUGYBOKAS merkozes lehetett a 80-as evtizedbol hazankban.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz pendre54 #191656 üzenetére
Ilyen kepekre, ujsagreszletekre, hogy bukkansz ra?
Szivesen olvasnek en ilyen nagyon old school 2000-es evek elotti cikkeket. Leginkabb Diosgyor merkozes beszamolokrol.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #191603 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A Lyon jo nagy megsemmisito vereseget kap eddig.
0-4 a PSG javara, a Teknos mar duplazott.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A Teknosnek nem kellett sok.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Ringman #191549 üzenetére
Egy ilyen belepo siman eltori a masik bokajat rosszabb esetben.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Phoenix elsz meg?
Jott a DRAMAAs I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ezt a Manu mezt latva az ember azt gondolna, hogy az agyusok az Ujkastellyal jatszanak.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #191491 üzenetére
A Teljes Sonka ellen mutatott SZERENCSETLENKEDESE ellenere is.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #191460 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz IreN!CuS #191455 üzenetére
En mar vakond vagyok, hogy nem latom.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Melyiken megy a pool meccse?
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #191449 üzenetére
De lehet jobb, ha nem latom.
Lacazette meg eltiltva, a csapat annyira megerosodni nem tudott. Barcola es Lukeba elment. Elobbi epp a Psg-be, es ma mar jatszhat is akar.
A Psg meg azert megtartotta a teknost (megha jovore adieu), leigazoltak Randal Kolo Muani, a Benficatol egy tamadot.
Sokkal minosegibbek szinte minden poszton.
Realitast nezve minimum 0-2 lehet nekik a vegen.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz hdanesz #191444 üzenetére
Az engem is erdekelne, mert en elofizetnek ra 1 evre is szivesen, ha minden Lyon meccset fixen adnanak akar ugy is, banom is en. Van xbox itthon.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #191446 üzenetére
A Lyon-Psg nem lesz teves sajnos.
Pedig a ghanai Ernest Nuamahra kivancsi lennek.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #191441 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Az angol masodosztalyba kiesett Southampton kiket adott el a nyar folyaman, hogy 154 millios plusszal zartak a Mercato alatt?As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
haTTTalmas Brajton.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Havertz -> Arsenal FC KISPAD
Contract Expires: 23/24 SeasonAs I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Bunteto! Arsenal
A Fabio Vieira altal kiharcolt buntetot magabiztosan ertekesitette Saka.
Havertznek kinez egy lapat a kezdobol. A portugal eppen a Haver helyere allt be, es par perce alatt tobbet tett a palyan, mint a nemet.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Mindjart leszakad az eg, meg belecsap a villam az Emirates Stadion kezdokorebe, addig kene egyenliteni.
Mert lehet utana felbeszakad.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ma nem lesz ZIGI-ZAGA a Kecskemeti TE vendeg oltozojeben.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Kecskemet GAAAAAALA a felcsut ellen.
4-1As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Kecskemet 2-0
Sajat magat lovi LABON a felcsuti csapat.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Vezet a Kecso.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #190659 üzenetére
Ezt a kepet engedelmeddel loptam.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #190652 üzenetére
A DigitalBitssel torteno szakitas utan lett naluk ez, de sztem csak atmeneti, amig nem lesz mezszponzora a farkasoknak. Akkor mar azon ceg logojaval ellatott dresszekben fognak jatszani.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz dudu5130 #190649 üzenetére
Foleg, hogy a Roma azert alaposan beerositett a nyaron ujoncok toborzasaval, koztuk Houssem Aouarral.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Paqueta utolso golja lehetett ez a kalapacsosoknal?
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Letszamban megfogyatkozott a Nyugati Sonka.
Esely a Chelsea elott, hogy nullazassal tavozzanak.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #190630 üzenetére
Es meg igy is vezetnek perpillanat.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A Chelsea jol bekezdett.
Vezet a Nyugati Sonka.Kozben lehet penal a Chelseanek.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #190621 üzenetére
Lyon meccsekhez hasonlo szett dukal.
Foleg, ha Laurent Blanc vegkepp bepoccen, es otthagyja a fa...ba a klubot, vagy elkuldi a gore.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A zEverton ott folytatja, ahol az elozo idenyben abbahagyta.
Lehet mar jovore bele fognak allni a foldbe, ami mar jarna nekik.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Erre a hirre a Juventus szimpatizansaiban egy nagybetus VILAG DOLT OSSZE, hogy a FIGC nem Allegrit valasztotta szovetsegi kapitanykent.
Igy MAX a Zebrak nyakan marad.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ennek hatasara TORINO osszes temploma megtelt Juve szimpatizansokkal imadkozni a jo isten elott, hogy Allegrit valasszak.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Maestro marad velunk szepen, es o is nemetre tart jovore.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Egyre valoszinubb, hogy tavozik az olasz labdarugo ferfi felnott valogatott jelenlegi szovetsegi kapitanya Roberto Mancini.
Lehet kapott egy arabok altal kolosszalis visszautasithatatlan ajanlatot, es ott folytatja. Az Azurriktol pedig igy elkoszon.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
... nos, Harry Kane a szemelye mellett a NO TROPHY WIN atkot is hozta magaval a Bayernhez?
A Lipcse BANTOAN siman viszi Lipcsebe a 23/24 ideny elso hazai trofeajat.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Jo gyorsan megtortent az mb1 23/24 elso edzovaltasa.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #190009 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Phoen|x #189988 üzenetére
Ezt a kepet loptam engedelmeddel.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Bantoan siman vezetnek az agyusok immaron kettovel.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #189972 üzenetére
Ha ma delutan haromig tudjak regisztralni jatszhat is este a Lipcse ellen.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #189956 üzenetére
Es a kezdorugas elott milyen karnevalhangulatot toltak.
Annyi pyro ment el, amivel idehaza mar fel evre bezarnak a vetkes csapat stadionjat.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Firmino betalalt.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Es kajak szaudi ligameccs a SzpojlerTV-n
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Knezy Jeno van a Kecskemet meccsen.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Soulfly842 #189652 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Soulfly842 #189610 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Es tortent meg egy, de ez mar joval kevesbe gazabb.
Itt egy kis labdazsonglorkodest lathatott a nagyerdemu.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
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