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Linksys WRT54G/GL/GS router
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Lenne par kerdesem.
DD-WRT v24-sp2 std (c) 2009 NewMedia-NET GmbH
Release: 04/23/10 (SVN revision: 14311)
verzioju fw van a gepen. de nincs benne netstat, meg az ipkg se mukodik:root@home:~# netstat
-sh: netstat: not foundroot@home:~# ipkg update
root@home:~# ipkg list
ERROR: File not found: //usr/local/lib/ipkg/lists/whiterussian
You probably want to run `ipkg update'
ERROR: File not found: //usr/local/lib/ipkg/lists/non-free
You probably want to run `ipkg update'
ERROR: File not found: //usr/local/lib/ipkg/lists/backports
You probably want to run `ipkg update'
root@home:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 5.6M 5.6M 0 100% /
/dev/mtdblock/3 960.0K 196.0K 764.0K 20% /jffsHogy tudnek netstat-ot varazsolni ra, valamin az ipkg-t mukodesre birni?
[ Szerkesztve ]
válasz sto1911 #9512 üzenetére
Akinek meg a fenti problemaja elojon, az irhat ra cronjobot:
Engedelyezd a cron.d-t a Management fulon, es a boxba mehet a script:
*/10 * * * * root killall httpd -S; httpd -S; touch /tmp/httpds.restarted
vagy terminalbol:
echo "*/10 * * * * root killall httpd -S; httpd -S; touch /tmp/httpds.restarted" > /tmp/cron.d/cron_jobs
10 percenkent ujrainditja a httpd-t, es updateli a /tmp/httpds.restarted timestampjet, ha vki olyan perverz, hogy terminalbol nezze meg mikor indult utoljara ujra a httpd
válasz sto1911 #9512 üzenetére
Elvileg ez megoldja:
(roviden: "disabled "WAN Traffic Counter" under services-services tab")After about 24 hours of p2p, the web interface of ar430 (dd-wrt v24) became worse. Before that, although httpd is dead, you can manually restart httpd in dd-wrt (ssh or telnet to it) and it will work for a while until you click -status-wan. Now any http link to ar430w will crash the web interface. Run httpd manually, then visit, the web interface will be dead instantly and it can be confirmed by ps command in the console. If you start httpd with another port, such as 8000 (httpd -p 8000), it is the same. As soon as you visit, httpd at port 8000 will be dead instantly. Finally, I restarted dd-wrt and disabled "WAN Traffic Counter" under services-services tab. P2P is running on another machine, test continues... Hope this will solve the problem. Otherwise I will rewind to RC6.2.
Update : After 22 hours with "Wan traffic counter" disabled, the webgui is still strong. Will update progress later. Suggest you guys with AR430W/dd-wrt v24 disable "Wan traffic counter" as well.
Update 2: Now router is stable for 2 days and 9 hours. webgui is still good. Smile Strongly suggest you guys with AR430W/dd-wrt v24 disable "Wan traffic counter" as well.
Update 3: Router is stable for 4 days even under P2P. Webgui is still good.
Update 4: I think this solved the problem. Razz Crippled the function of DD-WRT though.
Updated on Aug. 30, 2008.Kiprobalom, es beszamolok a fejlemenyekrol.
[ Szerkesztve ]
Azt vettem eszre, hogy a webadmin egy ido utan nem mukodik, csak a router vagy a processz ujrainditasa segit.
Talan van hozza koze, nem tudom, de mintha httpS-el csinalna, sima http-vel meg nem.
Ha ujrainditom a httpd processzt, akkor azonnal mukodik egy darabig.
Legfrissebb szoft van fenn: DD-WRT v24-sp2 std (SVN revision: 13064)Eddig mintha nem csinalta volna. SSH remekul megy, hibatlanul.
Tapasztalt valaki hasonlot? (O mar igen, meg a ddwrt team is tud rola)
[ Szerkesztve ]
Igaz nem Linksys a kerdes, de foglalkozott mar valaki OPEN-WRT firmware frissitessel? Nekem egy Edimax 6104K routerem van, es arra akarom felrakni, elvileg tamogatott, csak nem csinaltam meg ilyet, es erdekelne a tapasztalatotok.
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