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  • dave93


    A Szabadság Szerelem című filmről kell egy összefoglalót, bemutatót írnom. Kérlek benneteket javítsátok ki a hibákat illetve ha úgy gondoljátok magából a történetből hiányzik valami szóljatok :) Egy Amerikai tanárnak kell felolvasnom aki biztosan nem látta és fogalma sincs miről van szó. Na most aki látta a filmet annak így biztos kerek lesz, de milyen bevezető mondatokat írjak még hogy érthető legyen? Mert szvsz kicsit fura, hogy leírom hogy a forradalomról szól aztán egyből a vízilabda csapat, lehet így nagyokat nézne :D
    Köszi :R

    Children of Glory

    The Children of Glory is a Hungarian drama film directed by Christina Goda and starring Iván Fenyő and Cate Dobó.
    The film is about the revolution in 1956. The Hungarian waterpolo team is the best in the world, only the Russian team could beat them in 1955. They all want to win the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne. Suddenly a revolution break out in Budapest. Charlie the star of the Hungarian waterpolo team meet Victoria a confident undergraduate (itt azt akarom mondani hogy egyetemista, jó így?) girl . They help each other, try to fight with the others for a better living and an independent country. Charlie thinks that the revolution is the most important thing this time, so he makes a decision and leave the waterpolo team. At the end of October the Russians start to leave the country, the Hungarians are very happy, they think they win. Victoria wants Charlie to travel with his team to Melbourne and win the Olympic Games, because the revolotion ended. While they are traveling to Melbourne they see lots of Russian tanks and soldiers going to Budapest. This was just a ramp, the revolution didn’t ended. Charlie knows they going to shoot down everything and kill a lot of people but he can’t do anything. The only thing he can do is to win the Olympic Games to show the world that the Russians can’t do everything with Hungary. They win lots of matches and at the and they play a runoff (itt a döntőre gondolok) with the Russian waterpolo team. This is not just a match, now they can beat the Russians and give some power to the Hungarian people who are fighting in Budapest. There are lots of fouls but the Hungarian team can win.
    At Budapest lots of people die but they fight as long as they can. The Russians catch Victoria. They want her to tell the names of the Hungarian people who fought to kill them. Victoria doesn’t say anything so after a few days they kill her. She dies for his home, for Hungary, for the independence.


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