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IT café
~ Kamaszkorunk legszebb focicsapatai ~
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
válasz Tibiajax #194058 üzenetére
Mar semelyik, vege. Emnetty adta.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
5-3 a Kecskemet meccs.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #194031 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #194029 üzenetére
Sztem ugyanaz, mint Vardan.
Csak nem olyan mertekben. Gombasodas.Mas orszagokban is elofordulnak manapsag hasonlok.
Franciaban is peldaul. Lyonban megint gyepet kellett cserelni.
Kicsit gombas lett. Es mar elkerulhetetlenne valt a csere.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #194026 üzenetére
Na meg egyet.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #194023 üzenetére
Holnap ennel joval cifrabbak lesznek a Diok-Fradi meccsen.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz bandus #193982 üzenetére
Az a konyhas bacsi nem Lilian Thuram?
O volt tan az egyetlen fekete boru jatekosa elvileg a Parma 96/97-es szezon keretenek.
[link]As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
TAA tegnap balesetet szenvedett (utkozott egy masik autoval) Angliaban. A Babet vihar nagy pusztitasokat okozott orszagos szinten, es a liverpool jatekos is erintett lett. Meguszta komolyabb serulesek nelkul, de a Range Roverje megserult az incidens soran.
Az Everton elleni varosi derbyn minden bizonnyal a tortentek ellenere is kezdeni fog.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz cyberkind #193946 üzenetére
Egy ideig nem fog tudni VARAZSOLGATNI a szaudi nepnek.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Jon a TANK
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Gecc, ezt bemakoltuk. Megha valoban les volt.
De arra mar a VAR korszakaban sem lehet bazirozni, hogy ahhh biztos les, meg sem probalok vedekezni, ugyis visszavonja.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #193855 üzenetére
Vagy 3-4 embert nyugodtan le lehetne hozni.
Vargatol sem dobtam hanyatt, de azt is hozza kell tenni hatulrol tul sok tamogatast nem kap.
Szalait is lehoznam, es Mocsit be. Vele sem lenne szarabb a vedelem.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DopeBob #193852 üzenetére
Igen, amit peldaul a szerbek ellen bemakoltunk azt most kapjuk vissza.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Szepen egunk, mint a REISCHTAG.
11 felkuldott mezzel nehez is.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #193731 üzenetére
Az mar innentol meg kell, hogy legyen.
A litvan/bolgar/montenegro harmas mind egytol egyig verheto kategoria.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #193722 üzenetére
A T.A.N.K.
Romboljon le mindenkit ott a ge....be abba.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #193713 üzenetére
Most o a leginkabb vallalhato bekk a csapatbol.
Szalai elegge arnyeka ma is onmaganak. Le kene hozni, es Mocsit a helyere.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A kuldetes fele teljesitve. Nehez lesz a masodik jatekresz. Az eleje meg plane, ha esetleg aggreszivabban fognak rank rontani.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Hat, ezt mint a lonak.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
GECIIIIIIIIAs I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ha onzo akkor is gol.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz hdanesz #193685 üzenetére
Es magasabbak is.
Valahol 1m87 korul lehet a csapatatlagmagassaguk.
A mienk meg valahol 1m77-1m80 kozott.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Na hajra magyarok.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #193634 üzenetére
Jobb esetben meguszhatja egy vallficammal, rosszabb esetben tores es/vagy szalagszakadas a vallnal.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Soulfly842 #193464 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Nem volt semmi ez a Milan meccs.
Mindket kapus a kiallitas sorsara kerult. Giroud kapuskent fejezte be.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #193387 üzenetére
Sztem az nem volt teljes terjedelmeben bent.
Es erdemi kameraallasok nelkul meg nehez egyik vagy masik iranyba allast foglalni.
A kakaskodas Soapy es a kecsos jatekos kozott pedig salamoni dontes.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Lautaro Martinez Bang Bang
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
El Maestro Marco Rossi magyar allampolgar lett.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
haTTTalmas Juventus.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Peterhappy #193081 üzenetére
Vezetunk 3-0-ra, ez mar csak kimeriti a FOCI fogalmat.
Megy amugy most a borsodi szeker, tul furcsa latni.A Kecskemet vesszofutasa meg erjen mihamarabb veget, mert most bekerultek Szabo Pistaek egy negativ spiralba.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #193029 üzenetére
A merkozes eredmenyenek torlese lenne a leginkabb igazsagos. Es egy ujrajatszas elrendelese.
De ilyet az amugy is nagyon telitett versenynaptar mellett szinte lehetetlen megteremteni. Meg ez elinditana egy orszagos trendet, es minden ilyen hasonlo utan mennenek a rematch utani keresek.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #193017 üzenetére
Majdnem az Olympique Lyonnais edzoje, de vegul egy masik olaszt (Fabio Grosso) valasztott a klub, es a fenti uriember is egy masik "Olympique"hez kerult, a Marseillehez.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Ilyen gollal kikapni.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
... elvileg ez a vonalas kep. Nekem ez nem les.
Meg az uj lesszabaly mellett sem, mert mar arra is van valami uj szarsag, es mar nyomonkovethetetlen az egesz.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Spurs gol
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Liverpool gol.
... megse, megis les?!Nagyon max labujj koromnyi. Oke, hogy szabaly es szabaly, de az ilyenekkel nem kene kukacoskodni. Foleg, ha a partjelzo sem latta annak.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Peterhappy #192932 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz grizlisandor #192917 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
HaTTTalmas Aston Village.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #192689 üzenetére
Ebbol ugy tunik tenyleg igy van. Osszefoglalo tablazat utolsp bekezdese.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A szablyak jokora melytorkost kaptak az Ujkastelytol. (0-8)
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #192650 üzenetére
A csatolt fajl eleg reginek tunik mar.
Nem lehet, hogy ez is valtozott? Annyi valtozas van mar a fociban, hogy keptelenseg nyomon kovetni, es a legnaprakeszebbnek lenni.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #192648 üzenetére
A Felcsut meccsen is volt egy inkabb Felcsut ellen itelt biroi itelet.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz pourri #192577 üzenetére
Pont most lestem meg en is. Ilyen nincs.Bocsanat a.Juve fanoktol.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #192320 üzenetére
A Notts County anno a Bajner ugy miatt egy eletre megtanulhatta ezt.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A Le Havre jatekos tudta, hogy ures kapura nem illik.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz IreN!CuS #192272 üzenetére
Gol nelkuli dontetlen lett.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz forceberg #192267 üzenetére
Hertha DARliner Sport Club
A Tabakovic meg aki megfordult az mb1ben is, mint Debrecen es Diosgyor jatekos.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
haTTTalmas Arsenal.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz sh4d0w #192190 üzenetére
A klubotok YT csatornaja adta.
De lehet mar toroltek is a ge...be a felvetelt.... vagy ha nem is, es fenthagytak akkor is letiltottak a kommentelesi szekciot, maskulonben elszabadulna a pokol a video alatt.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Fehervar kiesett.
Grzelak lehet mar nem utazik vissza a koronazovarosba, es utkozben kiteszik.
De az egesz csapatot ki lehet tenni a buszrol a Budapest tabla elhagyasa utan, es setaljanak haza gyalog.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A Fehervar a kieses szelen.
Egy ESMTK (III) elleni blama mar lehet nem menti meg a Grzelakot sem.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #192156 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Fabio Grosso -> Lyon
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #192107 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Willi Orban hetekre kiesett, igy neki a valogatott szereplesek is befejezodtek az ev hatralevo reszere.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #191998 üzenetére
Bar nem meglepo, hogy elkuldesre kerult. Csak ido kerdese volt az egesz.
Rossz idenykezdes, elotte pocsek felkeszulesi merleg, meg elotte elbukott francia kupa elodonto, ami a helyes?! palyara allithatta volna a csapatot, nemzetkozi kupaporond szereples sikertelen kiharcolasa. Persze nem minden CSAK is az o nyakaba varrhato...
40 millio forintos kerdes, ki lehet az utod? Gennarro Gattuso az egyik (fo) eselyes.
De ameddig nem jon a tenyleges edzo hazon belul oldjak meg a napi feladatokat az A csapatnal.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz venember83 #191970 üzenetére
Sot meg Laurent Blancot sem rugtak ki.
Pedig egy jo Pinter Attila megnevelne azt a bagazst Rhone es Saone kozott.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A bolgaroknak lapat.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
Hansi Flicket azonnali hatallyal kibaszta a nemet labdarugo szovetseg (DFB)
123 ev alatt az elso nemet szovetsegi kapitany, aki a kirugas sorsara jutott.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Giantpumpkin #191952 üzenetére
A telefonra letoltott pdf fajl is eleg kene, hogy legyen.
[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Ringman #191946 üzenetére
Hivatalosan az otodik fordulonal jarnak EB 2024 selejtezokben.
De egyes csapatok meg kevesebbet jatszottak, igy a tabella allasok is torz kepet mutatnak. De az is idovel mindenhol kiegyenlitodik, es kiadja a vegeredmenyt.... a nemetek pedig rendezok jogan ugye felkeszulesi meccsekkel toltik ki ezen nemzetkozi kotelezettsegeket.
... Amugy ha ez az EB nem nemetben lenne, hanem mondjuk Anglia (ok egymaguk boven kepesek megrendezni, minden is adott ott.) akkor a nemetek lehet gondokban lennenek.
Egyes csoportokban.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A nemetek jo komoly MELYTORKOST kaptak a japanoktol.
Flicknek nem sokaig lesz mar ulese a nemet padon.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
haTTTalmas Luxemburg.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz DeathAdder #191936 üzenetére
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A hispanok ma jol megszorjak a georgiai valogatottat.
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #191924 üzenetére
Kivetel a Pinter Attila.
Megneznek egy Pinyoooo vs. Adam Martin parharcot.[ Szerkesztve ]
As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz mephi666 #191919 üzenetére
Made my Day.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
válasz Napfénysüti #191918 üzenetére
Azzal a testfelepitessel valami olyasminek kellene lennie.As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
A portál egy másik cikkében foglalkozik a szerb televíziós szakértő, Rade Bogdanovic értékelésével is, aki sajátos stílusban fogalmazott a találkozó után, különösen Ádám Martinnal kapcsolatban.
– Megdöbbentem, amikor megláttam a magyarok támadóját, Ádámot, aki beállt és úgy tűnt, mintha a "Beton Haláról" jött volna (Belgrádban az éjszakai élet központja a Beton Hala - a szerk.). Ő is annyit nyom, mint én, én pedig 108 kg vagyok.LOL
Szerintetek is lehett annyi a TANK tegnapi versenysulya?As I sit here and slowly close my eyes. I take another deep breath. And feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul. Reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you. Cradling your inner child ((Godsmack - Serenity))
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