
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • gabber01


    Nos, akkor erősítő teljesítmény megoszlásról. (lap alja)

    "How Much Power is Going to Each Speaker?
    If all of the loads are initially the same, then the power is spread equally across all loads. For example, if you have 2 speakers wired in Series, both rated at 8 ohms, and you apply 100 Watts to the load, then the power is equally distributed among the 2 speakers - in this case, each will absorb 50 watts of power. The same holds true for speakers wired in Parallel - if the loads are the same, then the power will be distributed equally - 2 speakers wired in Parallel with 100 watts of power applied to them will have 50 watts applied to each individual speaker driver.

    The same holds true for 4 speakers wired in Series, Parallel or Series/Parallel.

    If the different speakers have a different impedance, the lower impedance load will have more power delivered to it. Its a good idea to make certain that any given driver can handle the power you plan to apply to it. I suggest that you build or buy your systems where all of the cabinets have the same impedance (it will greatly simplify dealing with them if you suddenly scale up the number of cabinets that you use). "

    Lényegében, azonos ellenállású hangszórók között egyenlően oszlik meg a teljesítmény, eltérő ellenállúsúak között proporcionálisan. Tehát logikusan pl. 500W összerőből 2 nyomóra fejenként 250W megy. (ez soros és párhuzamos bekötésre is igaz)

    Man proposes, god disposes. Dum spiro, spero.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
