Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Ndruu


    Pár részlet még beszélgetésekből:

    "Mercs are kinda like Freedom, only worse. At least Freedom have some ideals, but these dogs, they'll do anything for money. Someone really needs to kill 'em all before they drag something really dangerous out of the Zone into the normal world! They're based in the Dead City and there's a sniper in every tall building, understand? They're not keen on strangers." - bárban egy fickó

    "We're being held by the Mercs. Nobody really knows who they are but there are rumors that they work together with foreign intelligence services. The location of this base is top secret - no one knows how to get into the Dead City. Many people are very interested in this information, especially Freedom and Duty." - bárban egy fickó

    "We're in Dead City! In the Merc camp." - doctor

    "Lukash told me to intercept the Duty courier on the way from Red Forest to the Dead City. Could you tell me the best place to do that?" - me (Marked One)

    "Best thing would be to catch him before he reaches the farmstead near the passage to Dead City. Reinforcements are sure to be waiting for him there, so you'd have trouble dealing with them all. Plus, that way you'd have to pass through the village, which is a bad thing. Better go East of the village, and fast."

    Voltak hozzá írva küldetések, de a várossal együtt azt is kiírták a játékból. Pár beszélgetés megmaradt, de oroszul vannak, semmit nem érteni belőle.
    Térképet nem találtam róla.

    "Subject's nickname - Poker. One of the most cruel bandits' leader, swine and rapist...Evidently his head is not okay: they say he caught a rare disease in the Zone. Now he suffers quite frequent lapses of memory, and when he gains consciousness, he can't remember who and where he is. Nevertheless, he's always armed and very aggressive. Presumable location: Dark Valley."

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