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    válasz Auratech #13067 üzenetére

    Tovább olvastam a topikban és hűha, ezeket csekkold :C (azt írja, hogy ezeket Bob Katztől én Nika Aldrichtól tanulta - "Both Nika Aldrich and Bob Katz are esteemed experts in the field of digital audio" - Wikipedia)

    "But once we get to 16bit 44.1kFs/s, we have reached the limits of analogue equipment to reproduce it and the limits of a human being to hear it"
    "The only way to get extra loundness is with the use of compression. More bits just allows for a larger dynamic range and nothing else. As compression reduces the dynamic range, so it makes absolutely no difference whether you're using 16bit, 24bit or 500bits. All you are going to get is more and more empty bits or bits containing only noise."
    "As far as I can tell, the Beyerdynamic DT770 have a range of 96dB. This is not even enough to hear the full potential resolution of CD, let alone 24bit (144dB). I'm not questioning you are hearing an improvement with your DVD-A recordings, I'm just informing you that the improvement is not related to the higher bit depth. It is some improvement in mastering or production, not the increase in bit depth."
    "The theoretical dynamic range (SNR) of CD is 96dB, perceptually using noise-shaped dither this figure is increased to 120dB. Vinyl has a maximum dynamic range of 80dB. Also, 96dB (let alone 120dB) is way more dynamic range than any recording ever released (analogue or digital). This 120dB dynamic range is well beyond the capabilities of vinyl, probably at the limit of the best playback equipment and well beyond safe listening levels. The closest thing to vinyl would be 16bit 44.1kFs/s but the sound signatures of analogue and digital are so different that any direct comparison is very difficult."
    "- I tried converting my 24/96 vynil encodes to CDDA and the crackles became much more audible....it seemed pretty clear to me that the audio resolution downscale worsened the SQ
    -It can't really be the higher sample rate either. The only option is that there is a fault or some very poor coding going on in the software of what ever you used to do the conversion."
    "Of course, 24bit handled properly should not sound worse than 16bit but not better either. As a general rule, a sample rate of 192kFs/s should sound worse than a sample rate of 96kFs/"
    "Oversampling works well for some DAC manufacturers but better implimentation of 44.1kFs/s filters works better for others. "
    "There is no direct comparison between 24bit and 32bit because 24bit is integer and 32bit is floating point. There is absolutely no noise floor benefit of 32bit over 24bit, in fact the opposite can be true"

    A topik közepe előtt egy kicsivel egyébként már mindenki egyetért vele, miután belinkelt egy olyan PDF-et, hogy ránéztem és azt sem tudtam, hogy amiről szó van azt eszik-e vagy isszák. :C Mindjárt szétmegy az agyam, úgyhogy megyek zenét hallgatni és ezt a témát hanyagolom. Auratech még egy utolsó véleményt ezekről tudsz mondani? :DDD

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