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  • S_x96x_S


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    AMD EPYC 7F32 Benchmarks and Review 8 Optimized Cores

    Patrick megjegyzése : a szoftverlicenszek, frissítési ciklusok és a gazdasági helyzet bekavar ..

    A note from the Editor:
    The elephant in the room is that the per-core license server market is tough. Organizations that use this type of software tend to also be enterprises that have standardized on certain server models. For example, the Dell EMC PowerEdge R740(xd.) As a result, the same servers organizations have purchased for years can also use the Gold 6250. From an operational standpoint, there is no need to change. This is one of the biggest inhibitors to AMD adoption but one that is rarely discussed in reviews that focus on the chips or individual servers themselves.
    While John has shown that the AMD EPYC 7F32 is a great platform, the organizations purchasing this are not the same ones that are buying the lowest-cost servers that run all open-source software. What this does represent is AMD showing it can offer a more full-stack solution. For those organizations looking at economic constraints for the next cycle or cycle and a half, one can purchase Rome servers today, and run the same servers through 2020/ 2021 with Milan (EPYC 7003) instead of making a jump to shorter-lived Cooper Lake Intel Xeon Platforms or Ice Lake “Whitley” platforms later in 2020/ 2021.
    Refresh cycles and planning have a major impact on the market that we see the EPYC 7F32 play in. While the product itself may be great, there are structural inhibitors to EPYC adoption thus far. We also suggest that our readers think about the 2020-2021 planning cycle in the context of companies looking to increase EBITDA by limiting IT spend. Saving thousands on servers and software licenses can help hit numbers and keep the IT team employed during a downturn. /Patrick

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