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  • clyvejhamma

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    válasz Menthirist #1830 üzenetére

    Szép rend van ott hátul...:)

    A flare-ről a teljesség igénye nélkül:

    "In the CV1, everything streaks if it's not right exactly in the middle of your view. Since the streaks are directional and relative to where they are in your vision, they're CONSTANTLY swirling about and hard to ignore"

    "Godrays or Halo Artifacting, whatever you want to call it is very, very much there. Especially when an Oculus studios game loads, and it's the white logo contrasting on a black background. This is totally worst case scenario, and unfortunately for some it's the first thing they are going to see. In games it's less visible, but high-contrast images off-center really standout."

    "Godrays / Lens Glare – It’s very real, and very distracting (for me at least). It’s very difficult to comprehend how it will look especially from pictures and videos. The best way I can describe it, is the rays coming from the bright objects come outwards and towards you, like 3D effect right into your eyes."

    "This is where the biggest negative lies for me. The glare is present. Always. Present. You can learn to ignore it pretty fast, but it's only a temporary ignorance. It always comes back. I'm trying to be honest here, but now that I've said that, DO NOT WORRY. This is a minor annoyance on a device that is so much more. VR is incredible. This HMD is incredible. CV2 will simply be more incredible. "

    "God Rays Kind of annoying when they show up, but they only show up with specific contrasts"

    "The FOV is great, it's like wearing a ski-mask. No complaints there. The glare is definetly very very prominent but I can't compare to the DK2 so it disappears quite quickly after getting used to it"

    Nem akarok többet bemásolgatni pedig lenne még egy csomó... Ez mind különböző vélemény.

    A színekről min. 4-5 helyen olvastam, hogy a DK2-höz képest észrevehetően fakóbb minden. Állítólag az 1.3-as driverrel a DK2-k is "kifakultak". Mivel eladtam a DK2-t nem tudom tényleg így van-e...

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