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  • Alvin_ti4200


    válasz BT86 #18916 üzenetére

    Én pont ezért váltottam vissza assault turretre, mert az a DMG builddel, amit próbálok építgetni sokkal hasznosabbnak bizonyult (feltartja az embereket, miközben sebzi is őket, így könnyebben tudok fedezékből támadni).

  • Anonymus23


    válasz BT86 #18916 üzenetére

    Itt szó van a droprate-ról is:

    The Bighorn - A new assault rifle inside of the expansion, players should take on legendary missions and strongholds for a 5% chance of getting it to drop.

    Bullet King - Named for the fan favorite NPC boss from the first game, this LMG can be earned by completing Rikers related missions in the expansion. The drop chance starts at 1% for normal difficulty, but goes up from there. Hard grants 3%, challenging is at 5%, and the best odds are on the Heroic difficulty at 7%.

    Regulus - Unfortunately, the datamining didn't produce any information on this exotic pistol, leading many to believe it'll be added in at a later date.

    The Ravenous - The same can be said for this rifle weapon.

    Lady Death - To find this SMG, players will need to work on the Deck of 22 bounties in New York for a 3% drop chance.

    Acosta's Go-bag - This item has a 3% chance to drop from faction crates.

    Tardigrade Armour System - This exotic is tied to True Sons missions. Like the Bullet King, increased difficulty grants better odds. 1% normal, 3% on hard, 5% on challenging, and 7% for legendary.

    Imperial Dynasty - This exotic holster drops from Cleaners related missions. Higher difficulty means better odds so 1% normal, 3% on hard, 5% on challenging, and 7% for legendary.

    Ninjabike Messenger Kneepads - Just like its Division 1 counterpart, these exotic kneepads are tied to the Dark Zones. Supply drops give a 3% chance for them to drop.

    Coyote's Mask - Thankfully, unlocking this item is fairly simply compared to the other gear listed here. Simply, reach level 35 on the Season 1 battle pass.

    Chameleon - The Assault Rifle was added into the game earlier this year and can be earned by playing Episode 3.

    Heroic Invaded Strongholds/Missions/Strongholds - Any of these options give an 8% chance to drop the following exotics: Liberty, Merciless, Diamondback, Sweet Dreams, Nemesis, Chatterbox, Pestilence, Dodge City Gunslinger's Holster, BTSU Gloves, Sawyer's Kneepads, Chameleon.

    Legendary Missions/Strongholds - Unlike the previous modes, the Legendary version gives a 10% drop chance for the following exotic items: Liberty, Merciless, Diamondback, Sweet Dreams, Nemesis, Chatterbox, Pestilence, Dodge City Gunslinger's Holster, BTSU Gloves, Sawyer's Kneepads, Chameleon.

    ;) - The Power of the Light Side

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