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  • Oliverda


    válasz Dyingsoul #22139 üzenetére

    Valószínűleg még rosszabb, mert a járvány miatt szinte teljesen lenullázódott a turizmus és az emiatt devizaváltást végző felhasználók aktivitása:

    Last week, more than 2,000 employees at $5.5bn British digital bank Revolut were offered shares in exchange for lower take-home pay, while co-founders Nikolay Storonsky and Vladyslav Yatsenko gave up their salaries for a year.

    The coronavirus pandemic and the pressure it has put on revenues seems the obvious driver of these decisions, but there may be another factor at play. Fintech Files can reveal that Revolut is aiming to reach profitability before the end of the year, according to people close to the company.

    It is an ambitious goal. The start-up’s revenues more than quadrupled in the 12 months to 31 December 2018, rising 455% to £58.2m, but it also saw losses rise to £32.9m, up 222% on the previous year.

    With many of Revolut’s customers are unable to travel amid government-enforced lockdowns, those revenue streams could take a hit. It is natural, then, that the company is looking for ways to tighten its belt while the crisis persists. As yet, the company has not furloughed any staff.


    Pár hete pedig elbocsátottak 60 embert:

    Revolut announces redundancy of 60 employees due to coronavirus

    Ezzel együtt nehéz nem egyetérteni a felettem szólóval. Ha tudsz kedvezább szolgáltatást, használd azt a Revolut helyett.

    "Minden negyedik-ötödik magyar funkcionális analfabéta – derült ki a nemzetközi felmérésekből."

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