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  • drkbl


    válasz dejaris #49 üzenetére

    Csak azért írtam, mert így nem egyszerű zavaróállomást létesíteni.

    Az eldöntésről:

    3. Full-Scale Aerial Target Aircraft. Full-scale manned aircraft converted into targets that
    have an onboard autopilot capable of maintaining vehicle stability that operate with a
    constant tactical command-control uplink are required to have an independent single path
    flight termination system independent of the tactical command-control system.
    a. The tactical command-control system shall have a command flight termination
    capability. The combination of the independent single path flight termination system
    and the tactical command-control system shall be considered to meet the FTS
    redundancy requirement.
    b. The independent FTS shall be the primary means of termination, with the tactical
    command-control system the secondary means.
    Flight Termination Systems Commonality Standard 319-10 (Public Release), October 2010
    c. The independent system shall have priority over the secondary system, and the
    secondary system will not be able to override the independent system or cause failures
    in the independent flight termination system.
    d. The tactical command-control FTS components will be required to be qualified but not
    to overstress levels.
    e. Loss-of-RF fail-safe may be designed such that it only occurs if both the tactical
    command-control RF uplink and the independent flight termination system flight
    termination receiver lose uplink.
    A commanded flight termination signal or loss-of-RF fail-safe shall result in an unstable
    vehicle, unable to glide or auto-rotate, such that its descent to the ground or water surface
    stays within the prescribed hazardous evacuation area.

    QF-16 önmegsemmisítő töltet tesztje: [link]

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