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  • Taposo

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    Sziasztok le szeretném irni mit is küldött ma nekem az EA Origin, röviden a történet : még januárban előrendeltem a Metro Last Light-ot (50€), ám akkor még a játék a THQ-nál volt, most pedig kaptam az Origin től emailt hogy törölték a megrendelésem mivel már más cég rendelkezik a játék jogaival, de most már újból elérhető a játék az Originen, na igen csak ha újból kicsengetek 50€-t :W
    Első levél :
    Dear Kurdi Istvan,
    Thank you for placing your order with Origin. We wanted to inform you that some items in your purchase have been cancelled. The reason for this cancellation could include a request from the fulfiller, manufacturer, or yourself.

    The following item(s) was cancelled from your order.

    Your Order Information:
    Order ID: 13251063119
    Order Date: 23 January 2013
    Product Name Qty Ordered Reason for Cancellation
    Metro: Last Light Limited Edition 1 Fulfillment Error

    If you would still like to purchase this product, please return to the Origin Store and place a new order.

    As a reminder, pre-order incentives and other bonus items may only be available for a limited time, so you may want to resubmit your order soon.

    Please note: This email message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message. If you feel this message was sent to you in error, please contact Origin Customer Service at https://help.ea.com/en/origin

    The Origin Team

    Második levél :
    Dear Kurdi Istvan,

    You may have recently received a cancellation notice about your Metro Last Light pre-order. Your pre-order was cancelled due to a change in publishers, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Rest assured that you have not been charged for this game.

    The good news is, this publisher change actually results in a new reduced price. To ensure you have Metro Last Light on the day it's released, please complete your pre-order again http://store.origin.com/store/eaemea/en_IE/pd/productID.278312300

    For assistance, please visit help.origin.com. Thank you for ordering from Origin.

    Igy ismét megvásárolhatom a játékot, mert amit küldet linket csak a játékra mutat az Origin üzletben ahonnan ismét előrendelhetem :DDD ha mással is megtörtént irhatna hogy mit tehetnék köszi :K

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