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  • dbius


    válasz LouiS22 #42668 üzenetére

    Most volt időm kipróbálni Faragó Attila kiegészített repóját. Működik, alakul a lista, de még ugye nem igazán teljes továbbra sem. Közeledünk :K

    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Energy Consumed': Sending state 743.12299 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Energy Consumed Tariff 1': Sending state 306.98999 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Energy Consumed Tariff 2': Sending state 436.13300 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Energy Produced': Sending state 653.69098 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Energy Produced Tariff 1': Sending state 533.72699 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Energy Produced Tariff 2': Sending state 119.96400 kWh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Power Consumed': Sending state 1.12300 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Power Produced': Sending state 0.00000 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Power Balance': Sending state -1.12300 kW with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Voltage Phase 1': Sending state 231.00000 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Voltage Phase 2': Sending state 238.80000 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Voltage Phase 3': Sending state 223.89999 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Current Phase 1': Sending state 2.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Current Phase 2': Sending state 0.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Current Phase 3': Sending state 2.00000 A with 1 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Electricity Threshold': Sending state 90.00000 kW with 0 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Electricity Tariff': Sending state 1.00000  with 0 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Power QI': Sending state 0.16300 kVAr with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Power QII': Sending state 0.00000 kVAr with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Power QIII': Sending state 0.00000 kVAr with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Power QIV': Sending state 0.15400 kVAr with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Energy QI': Sending state 81.49300 kVArh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Energy QII': Sending state 30.95500 kVArh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Energy QIII': Sending state 33.56000 kVArh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Reactive Energy QIV': Sending state 136.89500 kVArh with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Instantaneous Power Factor': Sending state 0.99900  with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Instantaneous Power Factor Phase 1': Sending state 0.98000  with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Instantaneous Power Factor Phase 2': Sending state 0.85600  with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Instantaneous Power Factor Phase 3': Sending state 0.95900  with 3 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][sensor:126]: 'SlimmeLezer Frequency': Sending state 50.00000 Hz with 2 decimals of accuracy
    [18:58:02][D][text_sensor:067]: 'SlimmeLezer Identification': Sending state 'xxxx'
    [18:58:02][D][text_sensor:067]: 'SlimmeLezer Breaker Status': Sending state 'ON'

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