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  • sherlock1


    válasz Wizard of Oz #6038 üzenetére

    KCox: Discussing extended cut - NOT a reimagining of the endings or a new ending

    Currently building it right now, cinematics team and writers heavily involved, working on it

    "We definitely look, we definitely put together a list." The community team feed the dev team the questions. "We want to give you some more closure" around the questions you have, fill in some of the unknowns. "Want to give players a sense of personalization with the endings"

    "When you see the ending of Mass Effect, you now have the information and the context to feel satisfied"

    Still "summer" release - "going to put in the time and the effort that it takes, not going to rush it." "More than just a few cinematic scenes - definitely a considerable amount. So we're happy to be doing it."

    "Will Extended Cut provide new endings?" no no new endings, but closure

    "Why was that content not in the game at launch?" The dev team stands by what we releasei nt he core product, wer'e very proud of it (mild applause from audience) "It was important though, for us to listen to the community, and community feedback ovbviously didn't come until the game came out" "couldn't have included in game because we didn't know there was huge demand for it

    next questions "Why did we choose to show Tali's face at all, and two, why was it the way it looked?"

    1.) because everyone wondered, "and we wanted to do it in a tasteful way that didn't throw it into the game engine" "a gift from tali was the most appropriate way to do it"

    2.) We often use source material, source art, for MANY things withing the game -- wanted it to be photorealistic, high fidelity, correct color -- as close to a picture as possible. Pored through thousands of images to combine extisting image and artistic vision to create Tali's face

    "We really felt that Tali deserved that same treatment - we wanted her to be based on a real person, because" that relationship is important to players

    "Do we have any comments about the indoctrination theory?"

    "The indoctrination theory illustrates again how, um, committed the fanbase is..." don't want to comment either way. Don't want to be prescriprive -- fans interpret their own way, plus DLC coming. "We want the content to speak for itself, and we'll let it do so"

    omfg. sok bullshit.

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