Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Gaabe


    válasz apalaci #46487 üzenetére

    2014-10-27 18:55 Local mail tracking
    2014-10-26 19:14 The shipment item has been stopped during transport, The item is now at customs abroad for determination of any customs duty payable.e
    2014-10-26 19:14 HUNGARY, The item is now at customs abroad for determination of any customs duty payable.e
    2014-10-26 19:14 Order awaiting customs clearance
    2014-10-26 18:54 HUNGARY, The item has arrived at the international terminal in the destination country for sorting
    2014-10-24 17:21 MALMO UTR/MMAC, The item has been dispatched from Sweden Post, Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport abroad
    2014-10-24 17:21 Order departed from sorting hub
    2014-09-29 05:00 Order dispatched

    2014-09-23 Ekkor fizettem ki paypallal

    Kedvencem a stopped during transport sor mikor Jack Bauer és csapata megállítja a szállítmányt és lecsekkolja a mini quadrocoptert........ :C

    [ Szerkesztve ]

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák