Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • MC Pite


    E2 shortcutok: (A Beyond the manual doksiból)

    -Open the Quick menu, then press and hold the Q button again for a
    few seconds to directly open the configuration menu for your custom
    user settings (C1 to C7).
    -Press and hold the MENU/OK button to lock the selector keys and the
    AF-L and AE-L buttons. Press and hold the MENU/OK button again
    to remove the key lock.
    -Press and hold any of the four function buttons (Fn, Fn2, AF, or AE)
    to directly access the configuration menu for the respective function
    -To confirm a new setting in shooting mode, you can either press the
    MENU/OK button or half-press the shutter button.
    -Half-press the shutter button to switch from playback mode to
    shooting mode.
    -Half-press the shutter button during an ongoing image preview (SET-
    UP > SCREEN SETUP > IMAGE DISP.) to immediately cancel the
    preview and return to the live view display.
    -Half-press the shutter button for a few seconds to wake-up the
    camera from sleep mode.
    -Quickly press the MACRO button twice in a row to toggle between
    macro and normal shooting modes.
    -In AF-S shooting mode, press the command dial to zoom into the
    currently active AF frame.
    -In manual focus (MF) mode, you can also press the command dial to
    enlarge the currently selected frame. When zoomed-in, you can choose
    between two magnification levels by turning the command dial.
    -Press and hold the command dial in MF mode to switch between the
    different manual focus assist modes: standard, focus peaking, and
    digital split image.
    -During selection of an AF frame, you can press the command dial to
    reset the AF frame to its default size. By turning the command dial,
    you can change the size of the AF frame. Press the DISP/BACK button
    to reset the position of the AF frame to the center. With the four
    selector (arrow) keys, you can move the AF frame around and select
    any of the camera’s 49 different AF frame positions.
    -In playback mode (while viewing an image), press the command dial
    to zoom into a 100% view of the shot. When you are zoomed-in,
    pressing the command dial again returns the camera to its regular
    view, displaying the full image.
    -While displaying a RAW image in playback mode, you can press the
    Q button to directly access the built-in RAW converter. This function
    allows you to create new JPEG versions of your image with different
    -In playback mode, press the MACRO (arrow up) button to view the
    first of four information screens that show additional shooting
    parameters and the focus point. This function is not available when
    you are using the FAVORITES display mode.
    -Unlike the X-E1 and X-Pro1, it’s not possible to engage SILENT MODE by pressing and holding the DISP/BACK button. You have to access this function via the SET-UP menu.

    Sok újdonság nincs benne, de hátha (az mf segéd váltás az új volt, azt kipróbálom).

    És a mozgó objektumok fényképezéséről is írnak (teszem hozzá azt nem írják hogy kevés fény+kontraszt esetén ahol af-s elhasal, ott az af-c talál) - ez az összes modellre alkalmazandó:

    Rule of thumb: Use AF-S (Single) for stationary subjects that don’t move
    towards or away from the camera; use AF-C (Continuous) for subjects that
    do move towards or away from the camera.
    As usual, there’s no rule without an exception. Here is the so-called
    “autofocus trick” or “shutter mash” technique.
    This is how it works:
    Set the focus selector switch to AF-S and the camera to single shot
    (DRIVE button > STILL IMAGE). Make sure that high-performance
    mode is on (SET-UP > POWER MANAGEMENT > HIGH
    Use Vario-AF and select an AF frame position and size that will
    perfectly cover the part of the moving subject that you want to be in
    focus. If possible, select one of the nine inner (central) AF frames. As
    you know, these AF frames are PDAF-enabled. However, it’s definitely
    possible to also use one of the 40 outer frames that only operate with
    CDAF. (Természetesen ez E2/T1-re igaz csak). If your composition requires one of the 40 outer frames, go for
    Set a suitable exposure and make sure that the shutter speed is fast
    enough to avoid unwanted motion blur. Most action shots require
    shutter speeds of at least 1/500s.
    Follow the moving subject in the viewfinder, making sure that the
    selected AF frame always covers the part that needs to be in focus. Do
    not half-press the shutter button!
    Fully depress the shutter button in one swift motion when you want to
    take the shot. The camera will need some time to focus, so make sure
    that the AF frame stays positioned over the moving subject while the
    camera is focusing. As soon as the camera is able to lock the focus, it
    will automatically take the shot. This (the time between fully
    depressing the shutter and the camera taking the shot) can take up to
    a full second.
    The “AF trick” or “shutter mash” is based on the camera’s autofocus priority
    logic. When you release the shutter, the camera first attempts to lock the focus,
    then take the shot. Since the delay between locking focus and releasing
    the shutter is very short, the moving subject ends up being in focus most of
    the time. This means that the “AF trick” works best with aperture settings
    that offer sufficient depth of field, and with subjects that don’t move too fast
    towards the camera.
    A negative aspect of this method is the fact that there’s a delay between
    fully depressing the shutter button and the camera taking the shot. This delay
    is because the camera needs time to establish focus on the subject. This
    makes it challenging to hit decisive moments, and requires some amount of
    foresight from the photographer.
    If the autofocus can’t lock onto a target within a second or so, the camera
    will still take the shot, but it’s very likely that it will be out of focus.
    With older X - mount models like
    the X - Pro1, X - E1, X - M1, or X - A1, this method is the only way to capture subjects (using the camera’s autofocus) that are
    moving towards the camera.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Pixel 8 | C4 SpaceTourer 1.2 Pt '18 | 208 1.2VTi '18 | https://www.spritmonitor.de/en/user/MC_Pite.html | https://www.strava.com/athletes/99769725

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