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    válasz tildy #6692 üzenetére

    Először a tap-os dologra, jelentheti még azt is, h ellenőrizd, illetve teljesítsd, véglegesítsd.

    The most beautiful place I have been to - írd ki ha hivatalos a dolog, házi is hivatalos

    In 2004 I studied in Norway. We travelled by plane from Budapest and changed plane in London. It was snowing, when we arrived to Sandefjord. Sandefjord is a small town, and it is about 100 km far from Oslo.
    You can see beautiful mountains and fjords there and if you are lucky you can see the northern light.
    We lived in a wooden house, but it wasn’t so cold, like this one (az otthoni?). There was a lake between the hillsides, and my teacher talked about the monster of that lake. I liked those mountains and lots of snow.
    My teacher offered that we could see the northern sea. When I tried to walk into the sea it felt enjoyable but after a minute I came out of it, because it was very-very cold.
    Norwegian people are very introverted but they are also friendly with visitors. Most of the people can speak English.

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