Aktív témák

  • Siriusb


    válasz totyax #28268 üzenetére

    Will I be able to mount my TrueCrypt volume (container) on any computer?

    Yes, virtual TrueCrypt volumes (in contrast to TrueCrypt-encrypted physical system partitions/drives) are independent of the operating system. You will be able to mount your TrueCrypt volume on any computer on which you can run TrueCrypt (see also the question 'Can I use TrueCrypt on Windows if I do not have administrator privileges?').

    Can I mount my TrueCrypt volume under Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux?

    Yes, TrueCrypt volumes are fully cross-platform.

    Mi a probléma? Még nem használtam truecryptet - mert ejtettem a windows-t :D -, de pont a platform függetlensége szólt mellette, amikor olvasgattam a leírását anno.

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