Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • sh4d0w


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    Patent trollok. Vajh, miért mindig a kicsiket pereli a Microsoft? Miért nem a Samsungot, LG-t, Nokiát?

    A szóban forgó szabadalmak:

    * 5,579,517: Common name space for long and short filenames
    * 5,758,352: Common name space for long and short filenames
    * 6,621,746: Monitoring entropic conditions of a flash memory device as an indicator for invoking erasure operations
    * 6,826,762: Radio interface layer in a cell phone with a set of APIs having a hardware-independent proxy layer and a hardware-specific driver layer

    * 6,909,910: Method and system for managing changes to a contact database
    * 7,644,376: Flexible architecture for notifying applications of state changes
    * 5,664,133: Context sensitive menu system/menu behavior
    * 6,578,054: Method and system for supporting off-line mode of operation and synchronization using resource state information
    * 6,370,566: Generating meeting requests and group scheduling from a mobile device


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák