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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
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Akkor megvárom azt a szkriptet.
Másnál is volt ilyen?
The Samba 'panic action' script, /usr/share/samba/panic-action,
was called for PID 2345 (/usr/sbin/smbd).This means there was a problem with the program, such as a segfault.
However, gdb was not found on your system, so the error could not be
debugged. Please install the gdb package so that debugging information
is available the next time such a problem occurs.The Samba 'panic action' script, /usr/share/samba/panic-action,
was called for PID 7804 (/usr/sbin/smbd).This means there was a problem with the program, such as a segfault.
However, gdb was not found on your system, so the error could not be
debugged. Please install the gdb package so that debugging information
is available the next time such a problem occurs.Próbáltam utána keresni, de nem sokra jutottam. Angol oldalon csak azt írták, hogy érdemes leellenőrizni a hardvert (ram, winyó stb.) nem találtam problémát. Nem valami frissítés okozza ezt? Asszem, eddig 3 ilyen üzenet jött.
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Város: Budapest