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  • varsam


    Nem volt rossz rész ez sem, felvezetőnek megfelelt.


    Viszont megint nem hazudtolták meg magukat. Amikor Jeremy bocsánatot kért a Patagonia special rész miatt, fúú az nem volt semmi. A szöveg:

    "Now, that's nearly the end of the
    news, but before we conclude,

    I need to say something, actually.
    I'm sure a lot of you saw

    the Patagonia Special and I
    want to admit, here and now,

    in front of everybody, I made
    a terrible, terrible mistake.

    Nobody knows I'm going to do this
    - not the producers, nobody -

    but I want to get it off my chest.
    Right in the middle of the programme

    I said that the condor is the largest
    flying bird in the world.

    It isn't. It's the
    wandering albatross

    and I'm deeply, deeply sorry.

    Well done for getting that
    off your chest. Feel better?

    No, if you make a mistake,
    own up to it and move on!

    Fair enough. Right...

    :C :Y

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