Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Zeki


    válasz maj-viktor #36949 üzenetére

    Nem kaptál róla mélt január közepén?
    Én nem töröltem ki, február 17-től lépett életbe.

    We've made further changes regarding the eBay Money Back Guarantee as summarised below (please see the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy for the full details):

    • The timeline for opening an eBay Money Back Guarantee case will change from 45 days from payment date to no later than 30 days after actual (or latest estimated) delivery date. This timeline change will give all buyers, domestic and international, the same amount of time after actually receiving or expecting to receive their item, to get protection for their purchase with the eBay Money Back Guarantee.

    • The timeline for buyers and sellers to appeal an eBay Money Back Guarantee case from the day it is closed will change from 45 days, to 30 days.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák