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  • MPowerPH


    Ezek utan meg meg inkabb felb@szodok... Kerdezoskodtem a csokatol, aki megvette a lapom. 4600 XMP, with 1V SA/IO. :DDD :W Holy crap. :W

    "I was indeed very lucky with the CPU. It is extremely hard to get CPU's from Intel when you are in Europe sadly, but I was able to strike a deal and get a binned one. Apparently they bin the best CPU's and send them out to various motherboard manufacturers so that their overclockers can have their fun, I was able to get one of these for a big show here in Denmark.

    I have seen very weak IMC's, some are not able to run above 3733, this chip just accepts 4600MHz XMP profiles with stock 1v on the VCCIO and VCCSA, it's pretty crazy.
    I hope to push it hard again."

    Don't Tread On Me

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