
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Mr.Csizmás


    válasz irhejja #58656 üzenetére

    Common question: Which location to select?

    Answer: Sandy Shores. It has shortest selling missions in the city - main reason. Why is it better to sell in the city? Suppose there's a jet coming to take you out. In LS you got lots of high buildings, parking garages and all the other structures to help you. What do you have in the desert? Trees and cactuses.

    Final question: Are they more profitable than I/E stuff?

    Short answer: no.

    Long answer: maybe, only if you own all of them upgraded. You will end up doing A LOT more supply runs and sales and you will ALWAYS need to rely on friends to do selling with. And don't forget that the combined cost of them is over 12-16M, fully upgraded (4-8M stock). Whileas your entry to I/E stuff is starting from 2.5M, without any upgrades.

    itt egy illusztráció, hogy mire is gondolok, adott ugye a 3 jövedelmező MC (kakaó, met, CC), trivia: mindig a "másik" zónába eladás fizet jobban, városi gyár -> vidék, vidék -> város

    pirossal a városhoz legközelebbi vidéki mc gyár, kékkel jelölgetve azok a helyek, amikhez városi eladásnál kell szenvednem - ezúton is üdvözlöm a lustább elvtársakat :P [link]

    (#58659) freeknight még mindig aktív küldi az autós, háttérben mehet a bunker+mc. :K

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