
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Jester01


    válasz G@ben #3771 üzenetére

    Csak úgy hasraütésszerűen írok néhány észrevételt, de ne vedd őket készpénznek :B

    ''intention of the dissertation'' - nem tetszik. Inkább subject, vagy valami ilyesmi.
    ''and the attached charging, combination of the previous two'' - and finally the attached charging, which is a combination of the previous two.
    ''After that I took stock'' - nem tetszik ez se ;) gave an overview of
    ''I also mentioned the possible future of these systems with the specifications of advantages and disadvantages.'' - I also discussed the possible future of these systems listing advantages and disadvantages.
    ''on the one hand the systems with two turbochargers, on the other hand the systems consist of a supercharger and a turbocharger'' - in particular systems with two turbochargers and systems consisting of a supercharger and a turbocharger
    ''Last I reviewed the chargers aided by electricity, they are under construction.'' - Finally I reviewed electrically aided chargers which is a new technology currently under development.



Új hozzászólás Aktív témák