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  • ThySoul

    senior tag

    Miyazaki Messmerről, ha valaki lemaradt volna róla:

    "And you may have seen at the end of the trailer, there was this piece of key art where it shows Messmer sat in this throne-like chair, and people who've played the game may recognize this throne to be one of those from the boss room where you battle Morgott. And this represents the thrones at the base of the Erdtree. And it's supposed to symbolize that Messmer stands on equal footing to these other demigods and children of Marika who sat around in these thrones and held the rooms of the Erdtree.

    So he is an important figure who rivals these other demigods. And as you play the DLC, you will learn a little about why he wasn't featured in the legends of the Erdtree, the lands between. You'll realize why he exists in this shadow, this land of shadow."

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