Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Stussy77


    válasz snowdog #2589 üzenetére

    Ez hosszú lesz: :-)
    (Mindegyiknél ez van.)

    calibre, version 5.34.0
    HIBA: Nincs találat: <p>Nem sikerült találni olyan könyveket, amelyek megfelelnek a keresésnek. Próbálkozzon <b>részletesebb</b> kereséssel. Például csak a szerző nevét és egyetlen megkülönböztető szót használjon a címből. <p>A teljes napló megtekintéséhez kattintson a "Részletek" gombra.
    Running identify query with parameters:
    {'title': 'A katedralis (1)', 'authors': ['Ken Follett'], 'identifiers': {'mobi-asin': 'b66f2e2b-67e2-4e6a-b473-d17dccf59954'}, 'timeout': 30}
    Using plugins: Moly_hu (5, 0, 3)
    The log from individual plugins is below
    ****************************** Moly_hu (5, 0, 3) ******************************
    Found 0 results
    Downloading from Moly_hu took 0.11910676956176758
    Title: A katedralis (1)
    Authors: ['Ken Follett']
    search_title: A%20katedralis%20%281%29
    search_author: Ken%20Follett
    search_page: https://moly.hu/kereses?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Ken%20Follett+A%20katedralis%20%281%29
    Querying: https://moly.hu/kereses?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Ken%20Follett+A%20katedralis%20%281%29
    Failed to make identify query: 'https://moly.hu/kereses?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Ken%20Follett+A%20katedralis%20%281%29'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "mechanize\_urllib2_fork.py", line 1236, in do_open
    File "http\client.py", line 1255, in request
    File "http\client.py", line 1301, in _send_request
    File "http\client.py", line 1250, in endheaders
    File "http\client.py", line 1010, in _send_output
    File "http\client.py", line 950, in send
    File "http\client.py", line 1424, in connect
    File "ssl.py", line 500, in wrap_socket
    File "ssl.py", line 1040, in _create
    File "ssl.py", line 1309, in do_handshake
    ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1123)
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "calibre_plugins.moly_hu.__init__", line 65, in identify
    File "mechanize\_mechanize.py", line 257, in open
    File "mechanize\_mechanize.py", line 287, in _mech_open
    File "mechanize\_opener.py", line 193, in open
    File "mechanize\_urllib2_fork.py", line 425, in _open
    File "mechanize\_urllib2_fork.py", line 414, in _call_chain
    File "calibre\utils\browser.py", line 29, in https_open
    File "mechanize\_urllib2_fork.py", line 1240, in do_open
    urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1123)>
    The identify phase took 0.22 seconds
    The longest time (0.119107) was taken by: Moly_hu
    Merging results from different sources
    We have 0 merged results, merging took: 0.00 seconds

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák