
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Alvin_ti4200


    Bank of England raises interest rate to 5.25%

    - The UK's interest rate has risen by 0.25% - from 5% to 5.25% - the highest rate since April 2008

    - The BoE also released its quarterly Monetary Policy Report, which warned that food inflation remained "extremely high" but could fall to around 10% (from the current 17.3%) by the end of the year

    - It also predicted that inflation would drop below 5% by then - meaning Prime Minister Rishi Sunak would meet his much-publicised target of halving inflation by the end of the year

    - In a press conference, BoE governor Andrew bailey said the path of UK inflation will depend largely on the jobs market and on pay

    - Chancellor Jeremy Hunt says inflation is expected to be below 3% in a year's time - but acknowledges that families will struggle with issues such as higher mortgage bills in the meantime

    UK interest rates to stay higher for longer, Bank of England says

    A lot of what happens to inflation in the coming years will depend on the jobs market and on pay, Mr Bailey said adding that private sector pay has risen more than expected in recent months.

    Vajon mikor fogja fel ez a szerencsétlen Bailey, hogy az egekbe emelheti az alapkamatot, akkor sem fogja megoldani az inflációs problémát, hiszen az nem kereslet oldali?

    [ Szerkesztve ]

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
