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  • clyvejhamma

    aktív tag

    Egy belsős infó a helyzetről: az xbox kontroller és a wireless adaptere volt a hiányzó komponens, amiatt nem tudtak szállítani. Érdekes olvasmány.

    Megemlítik, hogy az első napi preorderek száma 300K közeli volt, 100K xbox egységet ígért nekik a Microsoft február végére. Amikor közeledett a leszállítási dátum, jött a sokkoló infó, hogy nem készült el a gyártósoron a beígért mennyiség. Igazából EGY! darab + kontrollert sem gyártottak az Oculusnak....

    "When shipment date was getting close, shocking truth was revealed: due to "omission" by Microsoft stocking department, "our" batch of controllers was actually never allocated and reserved - there was simply nothing to ship! This was absolutely shocking case of mismanagement.

    Then the hell broke loose. Countless conference calls later it was clear that there is no chance for MS to deliver any substantial volume of units at least until the end of the March. This was definitively the most stressful period in my career ever, it was already March, we had no controllers to put in the boxes and the atmosphere was very tense. At this point literally every single possible solution was evaluated. Microsoft was able to provide a few thousands units on a very short notice, but this was not nearly enough. Additionally, all sort of wholesale (and even retail) vendors were approached, with some success - so that is why small batches of the Rifts (mostly for Kickstarter backers) were actually sent out.

    Az ingyen szállítási költség egy részét a Microsoft fedezi! :)

    "customers will be refunded shipping fees - this gets partially covered by Microsoft, as they agreed to provide substantial discount on (already discounted) controllers due to their mismanagement"

    Nem semmi!!!

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